Let’s get to know each other - Join us for a conference call [via Accessibility in India Community Group]

With the objective to make this group more engaging, we are planning for a
conference call every month. The main objective is to know each other’s
contribution in the accessibility field and support each other to make this
group more vibrant in India.

The first conference call would be hosted by Ms. Shilpi Kapoor, founder
BarrierBreak on 16th September 2016,  Wednesday, at 10.00 am – 11.00 am.

The aim of the call would be:

 Introducing oureselves and getting to know each other
 Deciding on various topics with regards to accessibility in India -  for
example the 'Accessible India Campaign' by the government of India
 Reaching out to people to participate in this group
 Agreeing on regular scheduled meetings

Be a pat of the conference call using the meeting link:

Help spread a word so that we can have maximum people join this conference call
and make it more engaging and informative.


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'Let’s get to know each other - Join us for a conference call'


Learn more about the Accessibility in India Community Group: 


Received on Thursday, 3 September 2015 10:50:17 UTC