W3C survey and COGA task force user study

Dear Accessibility for Children group participants,

Please find below a survey request from the W3C.

For the first time, W3C is conducting a community-wide survey. We want to get to know our community better, investigate needs, and understand our community’s vision of how we fulfill our mission for the world-wide web.

This survey is being run through Typeform, an online survey platform that supports all major operating systems, is accessible, and has been tested to confirm compatibility with assistive technologies.

This survey is open to W3C Members and people who participate in W3C group activities, and anyone involved in the Web. It is anonymous and takes 6 minutes or more to complete.

We ask that you use the link that you received in email if you did. We prepared a survey that has 4 additional questions that are specific to W3C Members. So two versions of the survey are being circulated, one for members and one for non-members.

Please help us disseminate the links of the survey for the rest of the community with your group(s), team(s), your networks, your friends that are interested in the impact of web standards on humanity.

The survey closes on Friday 13 September 2024. We look forward to hearing from you.

English Members: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/uaESY6Q8
English External: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/TeoUTslq

French Members: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/U1C58KLO
French External: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/Tyj602HT

Japanese Members: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/dniLBGUQ
Japanese External: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/zGk33stT

Chinese Members: https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/Mu6ARgiJ
Chinese External:  https://gzobeteisdd.typeform.com/to/S0KxM3CK

Additionally, we have been asked to share the following information; please note that the study participants must be 18 years old or older. Although this study doesn't directly impact Accessibility for Children due to the age constraint, it is a worthwhile cause from the cognitive and learning disabilities perspective.

The Cognitive Accessibility Task Force (COGA) is conducting a user study on a new structure and design for Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities. The recruiting form explains the timeline and what to expect during the study. As noted below, you can access the information in the recruiting form in 3 different ways: (1). by using the short link, (2). by using the QR code, or (3). by listening to the recording:

  *   Google forms short  link: https://forms.gle/zi4nn4e4cbdSLPdM9<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fforms.gle%2fzi4nn4e4cbdSLPdM9&c=E,1,HD5W8NpntAGlJkEqgeXZiF8tzA-lSoTajpMa-eBpF_aPnTnIqqJJkPWYTE1HpoS62DBOtehMSPZvMoAuDzutCnkpoU48qLmKOgAkXdFgFZNTZYd6EgOTZdsDgy8F&typo=1>
  *   QR code: download as a png<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wvdm2CzkhzRvVM_3p2xlewMCwguOO3AQ/view?usp=drive_link>
  *   [https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flh7-rt.googleusercontent.com%2fdocsz%2fAD_4nXcOe_qAXU08UczT-x-DleQABGF1XI4Ew-mqSBxdm3qqt-suuhQEeeH2Q9PR8Olg0ErwTkd6DV_M4X3vUHrSA6Go2-mamjW_XXG4bWsGcSCaOtAb7mfwPWRwCClkcCAPt1xb8Xt5zctT-eFyFygUOm5LKgdi%3fkey%3dwAqtLfTKiG_ZYYbE7DMnRg&c=E,1,MwFFWtx_c5JxniXey4vD8w2L8qI10PER9Y_l-LHMKsQe5_xqqo1zPYGdQKk09q03yckWbSgmMMqZzl-IToFCWXZq23UT46DeW983zULAJsuEzUE,&typo=1]
  *   Audio recording of Rain reading the intro text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i1IKRD8d1lEc4ZsyGMMv0JJA4yjppIw_/view?usp=sharing

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Shira and Maud

Shira Goldberg, M.Ed., CPACC
Assistive Technology Specialist
(512) 414-7733 x70603
Special Education Website<https://sites.google.com/austinisd.org/aisdspecialeducation/home?authuser=0>
All AISD students have access to FREE text-to-speech!<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mjEtEnQkGWNM6PjCI9siQqEFwOABcfKfv_luqsG6Ykw/edit?usp=sharing>
AISD Assistive Technology Website: http://bit.ly/AISDAssistTech

Campuses Supported: Akins, Ann Richards, Bailey, Baranoff, Barrington, Bear Creek, Becker, Blazier, Brown, Burnet, Casey, Cook, Cowan, Dawson, Dobie, Graham, Guerrero-Thompson, Hart, Houston, Kocurek, Langford, Linder, Lively, Mathews, McBee, Menchaca, Mendez, Navarro, Northeast, Padron, Palm, Paredes, Perez, Pickle, Pillow, Reilly, Rodriguez, Travis Heights, Travis, Walnut Creek, Webb, Widen, Winn, Wooldridge, Wooten

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Received on Thursday, 8 August 2024 19:18:21 UTC