Accessibility for Children Meeting

Dear Accessibility for Children Community Group participants,

Thank you all for your ideas and responses as we got set up!

The first meeting of the Accessibility for Children Community Group will be September 2nd. 

Please find the details below and let us know if you have any questions,

Suzanne & Maud

Agenda <> 


The IRC Channel is #accessibility4children. If you are not familiar with IRC, feel free to ignore this for now and we will explain in the meeting.

How to Join

Link to Join Zoom Meeting <> 

* Meeting ID: 876 5237 0941 
* Passcode: 669230 

One tap mobile 
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Dial by your location – Belgium
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* +32 1579 5132 Belgium 
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* +32 2 585 5574 Belgium 
* +32 2 588 4188 Belgium 
* +32 2 788 0172 Belgium 

Dial by your location – Israel
* +972 55 330 1762 Israel 
* +972 3 978 6688 Israel 

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* +39 069 480 6488 Italy 
* +39 020 066 7245 Italy 
* +39 021 241 28 823 Italy 

Dial by your location – Other
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More Information about the Group
* Wiki: <> 
* Main Page: <> 

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 20:24:26 UTC