Capabilities Updated


Our document is updated per last week's conversation:

Edits are as follows:

*	Images & Graphics is now Timed Media

*	Bulleted and Numbered Lists is now Styled Lists. Note this
*	contravenes what we said last week, but our topic in
*	Capabilities is their styling, not their existence. So, I
*	renamed and kept under CSS.

*	Content Provider Checks is now Additional Accessibility
*	Enhancements

*	Live Site Translation now has our definition list structure. We
*	should discuss.

*	We also need to discuss Automatability for both our
*	Strikethroughs section and our Digits and Acronym sections. We
*	minuted "In most cases," but that's not an option!!  Discuss
*	further renaming the H2: "Leveraging Automation." The H3s
*	underneath evaluate globalized approaches that rely fully, or
*	partially on automation. I have no suggestion for a new H2 title
*	yet.

*	Reordered the H3s under 4.1.

*	I added a second paragraph introducing the CSS h1 to note that
*	accessibility is baked into W3C CSS. That's in answer to why we
*	group these features here.


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 18:22:10 UTC