Event Invitation: Accessibility at the Edge Community Group Weekly Meeting

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 Accessibility at the Edge Community Group Weekly Meeting Upcoming Confirmed

 23 January 2023, 13:00 -14:00 America/New\_York

 Event is recurring every 7 days, starting from 2023-01-23, until 2024-12-31


[ Accessibility at the Edge Community Group ](https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/a11yedge/calendar)Weekly teleconference for the Accessibility at the Edge Community Group, whose mission is to examine improvements to internet accessibility via "edge computing", a relatively new paradigm that focuses on performing tasks at the edge of the network. We plan to cover all relevant topics including overlays and prospective applications not yet implemented anywhere. A11Y-EDGE CG meetings work and operate under the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct <https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/>.


### Groups

- [Accessibility at the Edge Community Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/a11yedge) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/a11yedge/calendar))

 Report feedback and issues on [ GitHub](https://github.com/w3c/calendar "W3C Calendar GitHub repository").

Received on Friday, 20 January 2023 14:06:54 UTC