Hey all,
Sorry but tomorrow we're having a workshop with Microsoft on location...
awesome opportunity and honor to have MS listen to and apply principles for
their markets!
So small regrets for this week...
"The main aim for Microsoft will be to work through an engagement plan with
Jake's approach as an example for the whole Western Europe team to take
inspiration forward to their markets."
- 9:00 9:50 Open Panel Disability & Technology moderated by Hector
Minto/Floris Horsman Audience: MS NL Employees
- 10:00 12:00 Exploring Strategic Accessibility Journey By Jake
Abma/Hector Minto Audience: WE GCAP Team
- 12:00 13:00 Lunch
- 13:00 14:00 What Next: Accessibility Plan by Jake Abma/Hector Minto
Audience: WE GCAP Team
Hope to talk to you next week!
Op ma 13 jun. 2022 om 15:16 schreef Joshue O'Connor - InterAccess <
> Hi all,
> Here are the co-ordinates for our next call (tomorrow) Tues, 14th June
> 2022 at 9am Boston time / 3pm CET.
> https://www.w3.org/2017/08/telecon-info_a11y-functional
> Agenda:
> * Continued Review of feedback
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ZeCqTRTY0lmWvp1Xv_wO0iH1OzyECBa1UXQ_UeocjQ/edit#heading=h.4jiwp8jpc143
> * Follow on with Deceptive Patterns work
> * AOB
> Thanks
> Joshue O'Connor
> *Director / InterAccess.ie*
> (+353) 01 961 0059