Re: Functional Needs Meeting 8th November 2021

Ok, no worries lets cancel today and do tomorrow at regular time.

Hope the kids get better soon.



On 2021-11-08 08:23, jake abma wrote:
> sorry again, no need for the kids as we're sick today... maybe do the
> Friday, or tomorrow regular time?
> Op zo 7 nov. 2021 om 15:31 schreef jake abma <>:
>> sorry, completely forgot, but at 7:35 am Boston time I need to get
>> the kids from school...
>> earlier? later?
>> Op di 2 nov. 2021 om 14:15 schreef Joshue O'Connor
>> <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The Silver Functional Needs sub-group is scheduled to meet Monday
>>> 8th
>>> November 2021 at 7 am Boston time /  1pm CET for 1 hour.
>>> Teleconference information:
>>> Agenda:
>>> * Working session to fill in gaps in FAST worksheet
>>> Thanks
>>> Josh
>>> --
>>> Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Emerging Web Tech/A11y (WAI/W3C)

Received on Monday, 8 November 2021 08:53:26 UTC