Re: Meeting today or tomorrow?

Sorry, I was expecting that we meet today, but I didn't do my homework 
that would have been part of it. Then I overslept the start of the 
meeting time. We might not have had quorum anyways. I suggest we plan to 
meet next week at the Friday time, but only 1 hour max. We can go over 
the survey results, which hopefully by then I will have opened to the 
groups :P and next steps. But the intense work sessions, I think we can 
take a step back from, though we may return to them at some point. Michael

On 14/05/2021 8:03 a.m., jake abma wrote:
> Hey all,
> Did I miss something? No meeting today? Or not on Fridays anymore?
> Cheers,
> Jake
> Op vr 7 mei 2021 om 11:03 schreef Joshue O'Connor < 
> <>>:
>     Hey Jake,
>     Sorry to hear that! Hope you get well.
>     If we are down a man, should take a raincheck on the call?
>     Thanks
>     Josh
>>     jake abma <>
>>     Friday 7 May 2021 09:45
>>     Hey all, sorry but I'm sick at home today, sadly didn't fill in
>>     the spreadsheet, but will work on it coming week...!
>>     Joshue O'Connor <>
>>     Thursday 6 May 2021 16:04
>>     Hi all,
>>     Please remind me, are we dropping the Thurs call and meeting Fri?
>>     Or dropping todays call and meeting tomorrow?
>>     Thanks in advance
>>     Josh
>     -- 
>     Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Friday, 14 May 2021 12:19:16 UTC