Re: Actions before next week for Silver Functional Needs sub-group

Hi Jake,

Yup, those changes are here:

You can see the changes here:

I didn't structure them the way you had, but that is something we can 



> jake abma <>
> Monday 29 March 2021 18:33
> Hi Josh,
> I see this is the same page already known, I meant the edited one 
> based on your comment: "I've parsed this content and edited the user 
> needs in a local branch"
> Is this one, the local one, also online by now?
> Cheers!
> Joshue O'Connor <>
> Monday 29 March 2021 16:57
> Hi Jake,
>> Did you show the branch? 
> We postponed the discussion until you were available, so we hope to do 
> it this week. Can you make the call?
>> And is it online somewhere?
> Yup,
> Thanks
> Josh
> jake abma <>
> Monday 29 March 2021 12:06
> Hey Josh,
> Did you show the branch? And is it online somewhere?
> Cheers,
> Jake
> Joshue O'Connor <>
> Thursday 25 March 2021 14:55
> Hi Jake,
> I look forward to discussing this with you next week. FYI, I've parsed 
> this content and edited the user needs in a local branch that I aim to 
> show the group today.
> Your feedback has been very helpful in reducing duplication, and 
> helping me to better express some of the user needs.
> Appreciated
> Josh
> jake abma <>
> Thursday 18 March 2021 12:39
> Hereby my feedback, first would like to discuss the possible questions 
> about the user needs.
> Like to get feedback on needs where I find it hard to distinguish the 
> differences as they seem to overlap.
> After clearance I still need o do a dive into possible gaps if there 
> are any.
> Comments in bold and red, if someone can't see it well enough I can 
> send it in another form.
> User Needs Top Level
> To be used by technology guidelines, content guidelines, the 
> functional categories, etc.
>   * Users can perceive content
>   * Users can discover content
>   * User can navigate within content
>   * Users can customize presentation *(customize? Users don’t
>     customize the presentation, Maybe: use in preferred presentation)*
>   * User can perceivable content in a form other than produced by
>     author *(same as above?)*
>   * Users can interact in a device independent way *(same as above?) x
>     2, what is ‘form’ here?*
>   * Users can input data in a device independent way *(isn’t that
>     interact?, see above)*
>   * Users can adjust how content is presented/outputted *(same as
>     above?) (Double in list now!)*
>   * Users are not harmed by content
>   * Users can complete time-sensitive tasks
>   * Users can recover from input errors
>   * Users can control time-based media, including dynamic values, EQ,
>     volume
>   * Users can understand content
>   * User should not be confused by content *(same as understand? above)*
>   * Users can perceive meaning in a way that they need *(same as
>     understand? above)*
>   * Users perceive a control or objects role, system state and other
>     properties as needed *(same as above) difficult one!*
>   * Users need to know current state/reflected is accurate *(same as
>     above) difficult one!*
>   * Users can avoid (*and recover from error*) (SPLIT) contradictory
>     (can you avoid error?)
>   * Users can recover from error (SPLIT)
>  *
>   * Users can identify their position in content
>   * Users can orientate themselves as to their location *(same as above?)*
>   * User can navigate content effectively
>   * Users can discover content *(same as above?) what is navigate here?*
>   * Users can find help information about how to use the content
>   * User are supported with instructions (and *can perceive object
>     labels*) (SPLIT)
>   * User can perceive object labels (SPLIT)
>   * *Users are not distracted*/or interrupted *by content*/ (SPLIT)
>   * Users are not *interrupted by content* (SPLIT)
>   * User can manage distractions *(contradicts above, ‘not distracted’,…)*
>   * Users are made aware of alerts
>  *
>   * Users’ preferences are not overridden (‘users preferences are
>     honored’, or, ‘user can set preferences, they are not overridden?!
>     Most of times they override)
>   * Users accessibility preferences are privileged *(same as above?)*
>   * User personalization preferences are supported *(same as above?) 2x*
>   * Users can adjust how content is presented/outputted *(same as
>     above?) (Double in list now!)*
>   * User can avoid personal risk
>   * User privacy should be preserved
>   * User do not need specific physical characteristics to interact
>     *(isn’t this covered by lot’s of others?)*
>   * Users can route and control their communication channels and
>     related content *(explain…)*

Emerging Web Technology Specialist/Accessibility (WAI/W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 09:01:54 UTC