Functional Needs Updates

The Functional Category “Cognitive - Language & Literacy” has been updated to “Cognitive - Language & Communication” in the Functional Needs Expanded master list <>.

With consensus, this update should be reflected in the WCAG 3 FPWD <> and the DRAFT Functional Needs <>.

The Functional Needs Expanded master list <> has been edited based on feedback within the document. The list has grown from 52 to 54 in addition to the edit mentioned in NOTE 1.

With consensus, this update should be reflected in the DRAFT Functional Needs <>.

The consensus definition of Functional Needs was carefully written to avoid the use of the term disability – specifically, so that temporary, situational, contextual and other barriers could be identified by the wording of individual functional needs. That is contradicted by a few instances in the WCAG 3 FPWD.

§2.2.2 Outcome Rating <>
“The rating model is designed to be flexible in order to allow more functional needs of people with disabilities to be included in the guidelines.”

§3.2 Functional Needs <>
“Functional needs are applied to specific topics (for example: contrast, forms, readability, and more) to identify the barriers experienced by people with disabilities.”

§3.3 Functional Categories <>
“Functional categories of disabilities group the functional needs of users with disabilities.”

§7 Guidelines <>
“The individuals and organizations that use WCAG vary widely and include web designers and developers, policy makers, purchasing agents, teachers, and students. In order to meet the varying needs of this audience, several layers of guidance are provided including functional categories of disabilities, general guidelines, outcomes that can be tested, a rich collection of methods, resource links, and code samples.”

With consensus, I would prefer to either remove the term disability or extend each phrase to something more inclusive like “all users, including those with disabilities”.

The XR Strategy White Paper Draft <> has been updated to include the latest list of Functional Needs.


Charles Hall

Senior Accessibility Designer
Invited Expert, W3C AGWG & Silver TF
Chair, W3C IDIW CG
Member, Ferndale Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Commission

Received on Saturday, 24 October 2020 16:09:08 UTC