Dear Mr Wium Lie, The deadline for the Nominations was extended until 15 August 2002. The list of CVs will be available as soon as I have it ready, for the time being I did not receive any nominations, however, there is an ETSI Representative who will apply for this position. (Please, see the Minutes of the Teleconference of 24 July 2002) According to the ICANN By-Laws, each Supporting Organization should elect 3 Directors on the ICANN Board. The MOU says: (3) ICANN Directors. (a) The Protocol Council will appoint Directors to the ICANN Board of Directors in accordance with the By-laws of ICANN, for such terms as are specified by such By-laws. ICANN will notify the Protocol Council of any vacancies on the ICANN Board which may be filled by the Protocol Council. (b) The Protocol Council will conduct an open call for nominations for any open PSO seats on the ICANN Board. Each Signing SDO is entitled to nominate candidates by procedures of its own choosing. Additionally, nominations from the public at large will be allowed under conditions to be defined by the Protocol Council. The Protocol Council will select the PSO nominees to the ICANN Board from among these nominees. ICANN Directors selected by the Protocol Council may, but need not, be members of the Protocol Council or any SDO. (c) No more than 2 PSO-nominated Directors may be residents of the same Geographic Region (as defined in the ICANN By-laws). (d) The ICANN Directors appointed by the Protocol Council will not represent the PSO on the ICANN Board, but will function as full Directors of ICANN. PSO,due to the earlier retirement of Mr. P. Davidson, for the time being has only 2 Directors. The person elected might become a Director on the ICANN Board. As for how the W3C Representatives influence the process, I would like to kindly suggest you to contact Mr. Martin Duerst, who is the PSO-PC Member and he is the W3C Representative. That is why I think that Martin is the most appropriate person to contact for this point. Sincerely yours, Vladimir Androuchko PSO-PC Secretary August 2001 - August 2002 -----Original Message----- From: Håkon Wium Lie [] Sent: mardi, 30. juillet 2002 14:25 To: Subject: ICANN Board of Trustees Vladimir Androuchko, Given the recent controversy over ICANN, I'm interested in following its processes more closely. In a message 17 Jun 2002 you wrote that the closing date for nominations for the board of trustees is July 15, 2002. Is the list of nominations available? Will the person who is elected become a "director"? If not, how are directors elected? I'm a member of W3C's Advisory Board and W3C's Advisory Committee. Can you say something about how W3C incluences the process? Thank you, -h&kon Håkon Wium Lie cto °þe®ª