Hello Martin, Thank you very much for your comments. I'm implementing your comments into the Minutes and then will post the Minutes on the Website. However, as for the dates of the secretariat, I can not really agree with you, because the handover was always done in the late August, and this is somehow the tradition to put: "Secreatary as of August ...August" If you prefer, may be we can make the transfer earlier, something around 25th August? Kind regards, Vlad -----Original Message----- From: Martin Duerst [mailto:duerst@w3.org] Sent: mardi, 30. juillet 2002 19:19 To: vladimir.androuchko@itu.int; pso-pc@ties.itu.ch; Amy van der Hiel Subject: Re: Minutes and Reply to ISO Hello Vlad, Sorry to be late with my comments. You wrote: Amy van der Hiel PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2002 As far as understood from previous mails, the official handover date for the secretariat is August 31st, so I guess this should read 'PSO-PC Secretary as of September 2002'. There are at least two instances of this. The lines in your minutes are very long. Shortening to 75 or so columns might be a good idea. There are several non-ascii characters used for quotes and apostrophes (in particular for the genitive 's'). Please can you replace them with ascii characters? Mr. Mr. Alejandro Pisanty -> Mr. Alejandro Pisanty I suggest that you change "As no nominations of candidates were received by the due date, ..." by "As no nominations of candidates were received by the due date (July 15th, 2002),...". Many thanks in advance, Regards, Martin. At 09:48 02/07/30 +0200, vladimir.androuchko@itu.int wrote: >Dear Protocol Council Members, > >So far I received comments from Geoff (which are included in the Minutes), >and the agreement >from Brian and Richard. > >I assume that with the changes Geoff suggested, the Minutes are acceptable >for you. >As I received no negative feedback concerning the reply to ISO, I also >assume that the >version prepared is acceptable for you. > >I intend to post the Minutes on PSO website as well as to send the reply to >ISO >by Wednesday, 31 July 2002, 12:00 CET. > >Have a good holidays, > >Best regards, >Vlad > > <<PSO-Minutes-24July2002R1.txt>> >