Dear Protocol Council Members, Please find attached for your consideration the draft minutes from the PSO-PC Teleconference of 24 July. Many thanks for your comments. Best regards, Vlad <<PSO-Minutes-24July2002.txt>>
ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) July 24, 2002 Teleconference Reported by: Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001 PARTICIPANTS --------------------------- Amy van der Hiel PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2002 Azucena Hernandez / ETSI Representative Geoff Huston / IETF Representative Martin Duerst / W3C Representative Richard Hill / ITU Representative Mike StJohn / IETF Representative Tapio Kaijanen / ETSI Representative Brian Moore / ITU Representative ******************************************* Regrets: Daniel Weitzner/ W3C Representative Minutes 1. During the PSO GA 2002, W3C Representative, Mr. Daniel Dardallier announced that W3C will take over the PSO Secretariat. Ms Amy van der Hiel was nominated by W3C as the next PSO-PC Secretary. She will take over the function of the current secretary at the end of August 2002. Vladimir has summarized in the e-mails previous to the Teleconference, the main tasks to be handed-over to Amy van der Hiel , PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2002. . Protocol Council Members and secretary welcomed Amy. 2. Azucena presented to the Protocol Council Members an update on the ICANN Meeting in Bucharest, Romania. In the presentation given to the PSO-PC, Azucena highlighted the outcome of ICANN Public Forum and ICANN Board Meeting. Reassignment of .org TopLevel Domain was mentioned. As on 31 December 2002, the current registry agreement expires, ICANN has received eleven applications (all from non-profit associations, among which ISOC) for continuation of the “.org” operation. Applications can be consulted in details at: During the ICANN Meeting in Bucharest, Azucena gave the PSO Status Report Presentation offering a complete overview of the PSO Council’s decisions and actions for the November 2001 – June 2002 period. The Status Report can be viewed at: Azucena drew the attention of the Protocol Council to the Blueprint for the ICANN Reform, which was given the biggest weight and highest importance in the ICANN Public Forum discussions. During the ICANN Meeting, the Blueprint for the ICANN Reform was presented by Mr. Mr. Alejandro Pisanty, Chair Evolution and Reform Committee (ERC). According to the Blueprint, there should be three Supporting Organizations: the GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization), the CNSO (Country Names Supporting Organization), and the ASO (Addressing Supporting Organization). In the new structure, there would be no Protocol Supporting Organization (PSO). Together with a Nominating Committee (NomCom), there should also be four standing Advisory Committees of the Board: the GAC (Government Advisory Committee), the TAC (Technical Advisory Committee), the RSSAC (the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee) and the SAC (Security Advisory Committee). The TAC is in part a replacement for the PSO but with a different purpose. Its precise membership should be determined as part of the transition process, but should at a minimum include, should they wish to participate, two delegates from each of the four organizations that currently comprise the PSO (IETF, ITU, ETSI, and W3C), and three members with a strong technical background appointed by the NomCom. The Blueprint for the ICANN Reform can be viewed at: Azucena presented a short summary of the ICANN Board Resolutions. The ICANN Board has discussed response to the ERC’s proposal, given the need for constructive changes in the ICANN structure and process. ERC has undertaken an intense process of outreach consultation and analysis. Endorsed the ERC Blueprint for Reform, directing the ERC to oversee further detailed implementation and transition work, with the continued involvement and participation of the ICANN community and to provide its recommendations to the next ICANN Meetings in Shanghai, China (27-31 October 2002). Recognized the importance of the community input and the need to create an At Large Advisory Committee as a potential vehicle for informed participation in ICANN by the broad user community to address the implementation of the Blueprint. Recognized the need to devise and incorporate specific measures to ensure, to the extent feasible, geographical and cultural diversity in all parts of ICANN structure, as the Internet should be global in its scope. Decided to establish an Executive Search Committee, chaired by Mr. Vinton Cerf, to come up with recommendations of candidates for the replacement of Mr. Stuart Lynn who steps down as CEO in March 2003. Noted the need to ensure that ICANN’s policy development process enhance and promote a transparent bottom-up process. Full details are made available in the archived webcast of the ICANN Meetings in Bucharest and can be viewed at: 3. ISO application for SDO membership of the PSO was re-discussed. ISO Clarifications to the open question attached to ISO's application for membership for PSO Protocol Council was sent to the PSO-PC Members by Mike Smith, ISO, Director of Standards Department after attending the PSO GA 2002 in response to the request made by Protocol Council, which can be viewed at: Heated debate on this issue occured. ETSI Representatives fully supported the ISO application and stated that they do not see anything that may prevent ISO from joinning PSO-PC. Azucena stated that ETSI considers that ISO is absolutely qualified as an SDO in terms of existing MOU and ETSI is in favour of inclusion of ISO as a member of PSO. ITU-T Representatives welcomed ISO application. Brian expressed the view that ITU also believes that ISO fulfills the necessary requirements, and the reasons for delay now being removed. IETF Representatives opposed to the ISO application. ETSI Representatives and ITU-T Representatives asked IETF Representatives to explain, why the lattest opposed to the application of ISO. Geoff referred to the Section 8 b (i) of MOU: "...In order for an organization to become a party to this MOU, all then-existing MOU signatories must agree that such an organization qualifies as an SDO...". Azucena, Brian, Richard and Tapio asked for clarification. Geoff explained that Mike and himself received the instructions from IAB to stop the application of ISO because the PSO is evidently being wound up by the Board of ICANN and it would be unfair for ISO and PSO to admit ISO at this point in time. Tapio made an observation, that having a lot of experience in the organizations in the transition period and all the organizations in our days are somehow in transition periods, but this must not prevent the organization from developing and therefore , Tapio supports the opinions of Azucena, Brian and Richard. PSO is actually operating under the current MOU, and there is no reason to stop the current work, until a new basic working document is created. Tapio also said that Protocol Council should not stop the things going on. Martin made an observation that this new organization can be accepted only by unanimity of PSO members, and as there is the opposition expressed by IETF, ISO can not be admitted. It was decided to answer ISO quoting the positions of different PSO signatories, mentionning that if ISO wishes may apply to ICANN under the terms of the MOU Section 8 (b) (ii), which says that: "...Rejected applicants may appeal to the ICANN Board, which may override such a rejection if the ICANN Board finds, by at least two-thirds vote, that the organization meets the SDO criteria set forth above..." Richard made an observation that the ICANN Board has explicitly asked the PSO advise on the future composition of ICANN, specifically on the TAC membership. Richard also asked to be noted in the Minutes, that IETF is arguing against the open membership. Since the PSO Protocol Council is a consensus based body, and in this particular case the consensus was not achievable, Secretary was tasked to inform ISO on the deliberations of the PSO Protocol Council. 4. Brian informed the PSO-PC that the ITU-T had prepared a comment on the ICANN Reform, which will be sent to the appropriate email lists. 5. The Open Call for Nomination was discussed. The deadline was extended to the 15th August 2002, which would give the opportunity for the Internet Community to consult the CV of the candidates. In accordance with the ICANN By Laws, ETSI proposed as a candidate to the ICANN Board, Mr. Francisco da Silva, actual Chairman of ETSI General Assembly. His CV will be put on the public email exploder for consultation. IETF Representatives stated that they are opposed to the extension of the deadline for nominations, however they can not veto this action. 6. The next PSO-PC conference call was scheduled for 3d September 2002, 12h00 GMT (14h00 CET), subject to further e-mail discussion by PSO-PC Members.