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FW: [Fwd: PSO Selection of an ICANN Director for the 3 year term beginning October 1, 2001]

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Touton [mailto:touton@icann.org]
Sent: 30 July 2001 17:32
To: Livia Rosu
Cc: Vint Cerf; Stuart Lynn
Subject: [Fwd: PSO Selection of an ICANN Director for the 3 year term
beginning October 1, 2001]


Thank you for your notification, which this message acknowledges I
received as ICANN Secretary and on behalf of the ICANN Board.  The
requirements of Article V, Section 9(b) of the ICANN bylaws have
therefore been satisfied for the PSO's 2001 appointment to the ICANN

Best regards,

Louis Touton
ICANN Secretary

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: PSO Selection of an ICANN Director for the 3 year term
beginning October 1, 2001
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 23:42:29 +0200
From: Livia Rosu Lunguran <Livia.Rosu@etsi.fr>
To: "'touton@icann.org'"
CC: Philip Davidson_Internet <phil.davidson@bt.com>,Helmut

Dear All,

As the 2 year term of Mr. Vinton G. Cerf as a member of the ICANN Board
Trustees expires October 1st 2001, the PSO-PC has  opened on June 1st
the Call for Nominations from the SDOs and the public at large
(http://www.pso.icann.org/ICANN-BOD/icann-bod.htm). The closing date for
nominations to the ICANN Board, for the 3 year term beginning October
2001, was July 15th 2001.

At today's teleconference of the PSO Protocol Council, the nominations
the ICANN Board have been discussed in the light of assessing
strengths against the evaluation matrix of criteria.

The PSO Council would hereby like to announce that Mr. Vinton Cerf was
nominated as the PSO Council representative to the ICANN Board for the 3
year term beginning October 1, 2001.

The PSO Protocol Council Members congratulate Mr. Vinton Cerf on his

Kind Regards,

Livia Rosu Lunguran
PSO-PC Secretary
PSO-Discuss mailing list

Livia Rosu Lunguran
Internet Business & External Relations Officer

ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
Sophia Antipolis Cedex, F-06921 France

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