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FW: PSO Selection of an ICANN Director for the 3 year term beginn ing October 1, 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: vint cerf [mailto:vcerf@mci.net]
Sent: 28 July 2001 01:12
To: Livia Rosu Lunguran; 'touton@icann.org'; 'lynn@icann.org'
Cc: Philip Davidson_Internet; Helmut Schink_Internet;
Subject: Re: PSO Selection of an ICANN Director for the 3 year term
beginning October 1, 2001
Importance: High

I am honored by the PSO's renomination to serve ICANN as a board member and
I will do the best I can to justify their confidence and trust.


Vint Cerf

At 11:42 PM 7/27/2001 +0200, Livia Rosu Lunguran wrote:
>Dear All,
>As the 2 year term of Mr. Vinton G. Cerf as a member of the ICANN Board of
>Trustees expires October 1st 2001, the PSO-PC has  opened on June 1st 2001
>the Call for Nominations from the SDOs and the public at large
>(http://www.pso.icann.org/ICANN-BOD/icann-bod.htm). The closing date for
>nominations to the ICANN Board, for the 3 year term beginning October 1st
>2001, was July 15th 2001.
>At today's teleconference of the PSO Protocol Council, the nominations to
>the ICANN Board have been discussed in the light of assessing candidates'
>strengths against the evaluation matrix of criteria.
>The PSO Council would hereby like to announce that Mr. Vinton Cerf was
>nominated as the PSO Council representative to the ICANN Board for the 3
>year term beginning October 1, 2001.
>The PSO Protocol Council Members congratulate Mr. Vinton Cerf on his
>Kind Regards,
>Livia Rosu Lunguran
>PSO-PC Secretary
>PSO-Discuss mailing list
>Livia Rosu Lunguran
>Internet Business & External Relations Officer
>ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute
>Sophia Antipolis Cedex, F-06921 France
>Tel:       +334.
>GSM:    +336.
>Fax:      +334.