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Reminder: Notes from PSO GA needed

Dear All,

This is just a reminder to provide your notes from the PSO GA. Thanks to
Gerry Lawrence who already sent me his contribution. I am looking forward to
receiving short "minutes" on whatever you remember, so that I can put
together a text on the PSO web-site.

Livia Rosu
PSO-PC Secretary
PSO-Discuss mailing list

-----Original Message-----
From: Livia Rosu Lunguran [mailto:Livia.Rosu@ETSI.FR]
Sent: 31 August 2000 16:15
Subject: PSO GA

Dear PSO Council Members, Dear Steve,

As announced some time ago, I have published the PSO GA slides on the PSO
web-site. During the 25 August Teleconference, it has also been suggested to
add some comments/highlights summary referring to the GA. I would be happy
to take care of this issue, but I have not attended the GA  :-)

I would therefore appreciate your help on drafting the necessary text and
forward it to me, so that I can post it properly.

Many thanks,

Livia Rosu
PSO-PC Secretary
> PSO-Discuss mailing list
> PSO-Discuss@pso.icann.org