- From: Eduardo Lima Martinez <eduardolima@codecweb.com>
- Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 02:20:45 -0600
- To: pics-interest@w3.org
Hello! I'm building a website for people over 16 years of age. This not is a porn site, but shows raw images ("curcus pretty girls doing ugly things") not suitable for kids... http://www.circusdivas.com/ What are the correct PICS labels for this site?. I do not read/write correctly the english language. I do not understand the terms of HTTP headers "Protocol: {...}" and "PICS-Label: (...)" Can you guide me? Can you show me a sample site that has the correct PICS labels? Thank you very much !!!
Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2011 09:59:15 UTC