Permanent (hopefully) coordinates

(I've sent this with a BCC to lots of people, so you don't get inundated
with long headers...)

Barb and I are finally settling into the Seattle area.  It took almost 9
hours to close the deal, but we finally own a house in Bellevue, WA.  We
should close on the house in Arlington at the end of the month and will be
all moved out of the Boston area by the first week of August.

work:                          home:
Jim Miller (JSMiller)          Jim Miller
42/2099                        17213 N.E. 4th Place
One Microsoft Way              Bellevue, WA 98008
Redmond, WA 98052-6399

(425)936-7496                  (425)373-5414 [after July 27]
fax: (425)936-7329             cell: (425)830-4270
email:  email:

Note: Be sure to put "(JSMiller)" after my name in mail or faxes sent to
      me at Microsoft.  There is another James Miller, so they use the
      email address to route incoming mail and faxes.


Received on Tuesday, 7 July 1998 12:13:19 UTC