evaluWEB notes

[Original posting to pics-interest on 2-July caught by our spam filter.

For those who were using the evaluWEB PICS server:

evaluWEB will continue offering PICS ratings until the end of its service
agreement at the current location. We had a runaway process this morning
that shut down some services and made the system really slow -- apologies
all around for the inconvenience.

Probably by mid-July we will have the PICS server running at its new
location at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. evaluWEB
will be running independently of sserv.com and I'll be taking the project
over personally. I'll post a URL at that time.

Cameron Kaiser * spectre@sserv.com * http://www.sserv.com/

Received on Thursday, 2 July 1998 10:55:07 UTC