TLS 1.0 "draft-ietf-tls-protocol-01.txt" Now Available

Ref:  Your note of Mon, 10 Mar 1997 19:10:35 +0100 (attached)

 > Does [HMAC] (p. 14) corresponds to [KRAW] (p. 63)? There is not [HMAC]
 > in the bibliography.
 > Does this reference corresponds to the RFC 2104 "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for
 > Message Authentication", also by Hugo Krawczyk? If so, I think it's a
 > better reference.
 > 	Luis Saiz

Luis is right. The official reference to HMAC is rfc 2104 (it has three
authors: Krawczyk, Bellare and Canetti).


Received on Monday, 10 March 1997 15:11:33 UTC