Re: TWO WEEK LAST CALL: Regularizing Port Numbers for SSL.

At 7:19 AM -0800 2/9/97, Eric Murray wrote:
>I fail to see the great conspiracy that you (and others) are alluding to.
>Usually I'm first to see stuff like that, not the last. :-)
>Could someone explain to me why calls to actually go ahead with something
>(like we agreed to at the San Jose meeting in December) appear to
>them to be evidence that someone's putting something over on them?

That is correct -- the requests for additional ports that are included in
my proposal were *NOT* made by NS or MS. They were made by small developers
like you and I that feel that they have a niche to fill by offering a
secure ftp, irc, etc. *now* before the big guys close in over them.

I will also say that Consensus Development is *not* planning to come out
with secure ftp, irc, etc., so there is no conspiracy here either.

>The alternatives are taking 6 months or a year (more likely a year) of dicking
>around trying to A) get people to write drafts on TLS-MUX, and running
>code ("concensus and running code" remember), then adopting that.
>B) getting people to write drafts for negotiating TLS in the various
>application protocols, then working with the IETF groups that oversee
>those protocols to incorporate TLS into them.
>or C) we could forget about specifying ports at all.  However the likely
>result of that would be a whole lot of people in the field putting an
>TLS library together with their favorite TCP apps and just running it
>on whatever port they have free at the moment.

I have said that I would keep those who sent me product plans confidential,
but if you have products that your company wants to ship that you need some
ports for now, speak now, or risk that we'll wait another year before your
product can interoperate with others.

I've received quite a few private emails supporting the ports proposal --
it is time that you make your opinions public.

..Christopher Allen                  Consensus Development Corporation..
..<>                 1563 Solano Avenue #355..
..                                             Berkeley, CA 94707-2116..
..Home of "SSL Plus:                      o510/559-1500  f510/559-1505..
..  SSL 3.0 Integration Suite(tm)" <>..

Received on Sunday, 9 February 1997 18:05:51 UTC