Re: TWO WEEK LAST CALL: Regularizing Port Numbers for SSL.

Hmm, I thought we are here to provide good and real-life engineering and not  
just marketing driven quick fix kludges.  The allocation of https and nntps,  
IMHO, sucks because of its poor design considerations.  We cannot let this  
junk go any further.

Isn't it *our* job (as in IETF) to provide an efficient, workable and well  
engineered solution for the "world"?

I agree with Mark, time-to-market is a constraint, no doubt.  But  
time-to-market will hit a brickwall if we simply slap SSL ports for every  
existing non-SSL port into our assigned numbers.  We need long term thinking  
instead of short term bogus.

In essence, we need something that just simply presents a generic adapter  
piece for SSL service in a connection negotiation.  I have not had much time  
to look at the FTP spec, and frankly, don't have the pointer anymore.  But it  
can't be that hard and we *have* to do it.

Can someone send me a pointer via private eMail?  Thanks.


Received on Thursday, 6 February 1997 05:43:05 UTC