- From: Christopher Allen <ChristopherA@consensus.com>
- Date: Mon, 2 Dec 1996 14:44:06 -0800
- To: ssl-talk@netscape.com, ietf-tls@w3.org
I am revising a new version of the SSL-Talk-FAQ <http://www.consensus.com/security/ssl-talk-faq.html> in time for the IETF-TLS meeting next Monday in San Jose. If you have any comments, additions, questions, etc. that you'd like to see get in the next release, please send them to me ASAP so that I try to incorporate them by Friday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..Christopher Allen Consensus Development Corporation.. ..<ChristopherA@consensus.com> 1563 Solano Avenue #355.. .. Berkeley, CA 94707-2116.. ..Home of "SSL Plus: o510/559-1500 f510/559-1505.. .. SSL 3.0 Integration Suite(tm)" <http://www.consensus.com/SSLPlus/>..
Received on Monday, 2 December 1996 17:44:36 UTC