Internet Image Security


Dear Colleagues:

  We would appreciate your assistance in distributing the appended
conference announcement to your colleagues. Please notice that we have
scheduled a technical session on INTERNET IMAGE SECURITY which might be
of your interest.

Kindest regards,
Antonio Maña-Gómez and Francisco R. Villatoro-Machuca.

Any help in publicizing the conference would be most appreciated.
Please send any questions about the conference to

          Professor Hamid R. Arabnia
          The University of Georgia
          Tel: (706) 542-3480
          Fax: (706) 542-2966
or to

          Mr. Antonio Maña-Gómez
          University of Malaga
          Tel: (+34) 5 213 2754
          Fax: (+34) 5 213 1397

or to
          Mr. Francisco R. Villatoro-Machuca
          University of Malaga
          Tel: (+34) 5 213 20 96
          FAX: (+34) 5 213 28 16

Send any questions about technical sessions to their respective Chairs.

          International Conference on Imaging Science,
                    Systems, and Technology


         June 30 - July 2, 1997 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

 The International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and
Technology (CISST'97) will be celebrated together with the

     1997 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
       Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'97)

We believe that the parallel/distribute processing researchers and the
imaging community can both benefit from each other's expertise.
Therefore, we have scheduled both conferences at the same time and
location (Las Vegas, June 30 - July 2, 1997) for the benefit of those
who would like to exchange research ideas with the other research


The first International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and
Technology (CISST'97) will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 30 - July
2, 1997. All aspects of computer graphics, image processing, and pattern
recognition are included in CISST. You are invited to submit a draft
paper of about 5 pages and/or a proposal to organize a technical session
(see below for submission information). All accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  O Image generation, acquisition, and processing.
  O Image display techniques.
  O Image data structures and databases.
  O Convergence of imaging media (video and computer).
  O Virtual reality.
  O Image compression, coding, and encryption.
  O Tools for multimedia production and services.
  O Digital imaging for film and television.
  O Visualization.
  O Scene and object modeling.
  O Knowledge acquisition.
  O Visual inspection.
  O Document image understanding.
  O Image algebra.
  O Mathematical morphology.
  O Architecture of imaging and vision systems (including parallel
    architectures and algorithms).
  O Neural network techniques and fuzzy logic.
  O Performance analysis and evaluation.
  O Software tools and environments for imaging.
  O Applications including: medicine, robotic, GIS, remote sensing, ...
  O Other aspects and applications relating to imaging science.


Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of their draft
paper (about 5 pages) to H. R. Arabnia (address is given below) by the
due date. Submissions for the technical sessions must be send to the
Session Chair. E-mail and Fax submissions are also acceptable. The
length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 10
pages. Papers must not have been previously published or currently
submitted for publication elsewhere.

The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address, telephone number, and
Fax number for each author. The first page should also include the name
of the author who will be presenting the paper (if accepted) and a
maximum of 5 keywords.


Each technical session will have 5/6 paper presentations. The session
chairs will be responsible in selecting the papers for their own
sessions. The names of session chairs will appear as Associate Editors
in the conference proceedings. Proposals to organize technical sessions
should include the following information: name and address (+ E-mail) of
proposer, title of session, a 100-word description of the topic of the
session, and how you plan to advertise the session and select papers for
the proposed session. Mail your proposal to H. R. Arabnia (address is
given below); E-mail submissions are preferred.

Currently Scheduled Technical Sessions:

   Title of session: Internet Image Security
          Chair: Mr. Antonio Mana-Gomez

         Image transmission over the Internet is one the keys for its
popularity. However, one of the great drawbacks of the Internet is the
free access to and broadcasting of these images. It is possible to view
the transmission of images from two different standpoints: firstly, it
is a due to allow the users to transmit with privacy and efficacy the
images, so there has to be a tool to supply those items; secondly, the
frequent news in the media on child pornography and other illegal
topics, shows that Internet can become a crime paradise. From this
second approach it is clear that the development of tools to control the
broadcasting of these images is a need. Balance between the user's right
to privacy and the community need of instruments to avoid misuse of the
Internet has to be achieved by any solution to this problem. This
technical session deals with new techniques and protocols that can make
possible this balance whithout compromising efficiency.

   Title of session: Monte Carlo Methods for Physically
                     Based Rendering
          Chair: Mr. Francisco R. Villatoro-Machuca

        Physically based rendering is based on the numerical solution of
the rendering equation. Two main techniques can be used: Monte Carlo
path tracing (image-space stochastic sampling methods) and finite
elements (world-space radiosity like mesh-based methods). Monte Carlo
methods are very versatile, and if unbiased, convergence is assured, but
slow. Mesh-based methods can be used as a bias for Monte Carlo methods
in order to improve efficacy. Bias shows up as results that are not
noisy, but in fact are incorrect. However, if the bias is adecuately
bounded, the image is visually coherent and it is not noticeable.  In
the future hybrid of Monte Carlo and mesh-based methods are the point.
This sesion deals with an analysis of the relative merits of Monte Carlo
Path Tracing (MCPT) and Finite Elements (FE) on the basis of their
potential for future improvements. Questions as: Should we, and how do
we, make MCPT more like Hierarchical FE? Or should Hierarchical FE be
made more like MCPT? In short, what form should this hybrid take?

   Title of session: Progressive Transmission and
                     Rendering of 3D Scenes for the Internet
          Chair: Mr. Francisco R. Villatoro-Machuca

        New extensions of the World Wide Web (WWW) interface (the
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML),JAVA Scripts) has been
addressed the ability to visualize three dimensional (3D) object
oriented scenarios and allowed the interactive manipulation with their
basic elements. Unfortunately, most realistic scenes require a large
amount of storage and, consequently, their transmission is very slow.
Existing viewers must deal with this problem. Multiresolution video,
wavelet multiresolution meshes, progressive transmission, mesh
compression and dynamic display are proposed solutions. This technical
session is about theses new techniques which can make possible virtual
worlds on the cyberspace.



Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and
soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two researchers in the topical
area. The Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed by one person. Please
refer to the technical sessions pages for details on the evaluation of
the papers for those sessions.


The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press. The
proceedings will be available at the conference.
Please note that all color pictures/diagrams will be published in


A number of university faculty members in cooperation with the Monte
Carlo Hotel (conference division) will be organizing the conference. The
conference is sponsored by the Computer Science Research, Education, and
Applications Tech. (CSREA) in cooperation with the Computer Vision
Research and Applications Tech. (CVRA), The National Supercomputing
Center for Energy and the Environment (USA), developers of
high-performance machines and systems (pending) and related computer
associations (pending.)


The conference will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino hotel,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This is a new hotel with excellent conference
facilities and over 3000 rooms. The hotel is minutes from the Las Vegas
airport with free shuttles to and from the airport. The hotel has many
vacation and recreational attractions, including: casino, waterfalls,
spa, kiddie pools, sunning decks, Easy River water ride, wave pool with
cascades, lighted tennis courts, health spa (with workout equipment,
whirlpool, sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms, nightly
shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping area, ... Many of
these attractions are open 24 hours a day and most are suitable for
families and children. The hotel's room rate is very reasonable ($79 +
8% tax) per night for the duration of the conference. The hotel is
minutes from other Las Vegas attractions (major shopping areas,
recreational destinations, fine dining and night clubs, free street
shows, ...). For the benefit of our international colleagues: the state
of Nevada neighbors with the states of California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah,
and Arizona. Las Vegas is only a few driving hours away from other major
cities, including: Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, ...


An exhibition is planned during the conference. We have reserved 20+
exhibit spaces. Interested parties should contact H. R. Arabnia (address
is given below). All exhibitors will be considered to be the co-sponsors
of the conference. Each exhibitor will have the opportunity to include a
two-page description of their latest products in the conference
proceedings (if submitted by May 19, 1997).


 February 12, 1997 (Wednesday): Draft papers (5-page) due
 April 8, 1997 (Tuesday): Notification of acceptance
 May 19, 1997 (Monday): Camera-Ready papers & Preregistration due
 June 30, July 1, July 2: CISST'97 Conference

Proposals to organize technical sessions should be submitted as soon as
possible (well ahead of the February 12 deadline). All accepted papers
are expected to be presented at the conference.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: (as of Nov. 25, 1996)

  I. Ahmad, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong;
  H. R. Arabnia, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA;
  C. Colin, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France;
  J. Farison, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA;
  M. E. Fayad, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA;
  O. Frieder, George Mason University & Florida Tech., USA;
  F. Golshani, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA;
  V. Gudivada, University of Missouri at Rolla, MO, USA;
  M. Halem, Space Data & Comp. Div., Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA,
  G. Hu, Central Michigan University, MI, USA;
  K-C. Hui, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong;
  O. H. Ibarra, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA;
  X. Jia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
  J. Jin, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;
  D. Kazakos, University of Southwestern Louisiana, LA, USA;
  A. Law, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA;
  D. Luzeaux, Etca/Crea/Sp, France;
  K. Makki, University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV, USA;
  S. A. M. Makki, University of Queensland, Australia;
  A. Mana-Gomez, E.T.S.I.Informatica, Malaga, Spain;
  N. Memon, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA;
  B. Nassersharif, National Supercomputing Center For Energy and the
     Environment, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA;
  M. S. Obaidat, Monmouth University, NJ, USA;
  Y. Pan, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, USA;
  E. K. Park, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA;
  W. Peng, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, USA;
  N. Pissinou, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, USA;
  Rajkumar, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Bangalore,
  S. Sahni, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;
  H. Sharif, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA;
  H. Shi, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA;
  M. Singhal, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA;
  S. Y. W. Su, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;
  A. Tentov, University "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", Republic of Macedonia;
  E. Torng, Michigan State University, MI, USA;
  N-F. Tzeng, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, USA;
  F. R. Villatoro-Machuca, Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, Spain;
  Y. Xu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA;
  S. You, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA;
  H. Zhang, Aptronix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA;
  D. Zhu, Aptronix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA;
  A. Y. Zomaya, University of Western Australia, Australia.


    Professor Hamid R. Arabnia (CISST General Chair)
    The University of Georgia Department of Computer Science
    415 Graduate Studies Research Center
    Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A.
    Tel: (706) 542-3480
    Fax: (706) 542-2966
    E-Mail :


    Professor Kia Makki
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Nevada Las Vegas
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4019, USA
    E-Mail :

    Professor Niki Pissinou
    Center For Advanced Computer Studies
    University of Southwestern Louisiana
    Lafayette, LA 70508, USA
    E-Mail :


    Professor Yi Pan
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Dayton
    Dayton, OH 45469-2160, USA
    Tel: (513) 229-3807
    Fax: (513) 229-4000
    E-Mail :

WWW PAGES: (CISST'97 Home Page)      (PDPTA'97 Home Page)

                         ( o o )
  !           _   ,                                        !
  ! Antonio Mana Gomez               eMail: !
  !                                                        !
  ! Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computacion !
  !        E.T.S.I.Informatica.    Desp. 1.2.B.19          !
  !                Campus de Teatinos.                     !
  !               29071 MALAGA (SPAIN)                     !
  !                                                        !
  ! Phone: (+34) 5 213 27 54        Fax: (+34) 5 213 13 97 !

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 1996 10:00:20 UTC