- From: David M. Balenson <balenson@tis.com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 21:35:11 -0500
- To: cat-ietf@mit.edu, e-payment@bellcore.com, firewalls@greatcircle.com, ids@uow.edu.au, ietf-otp@bellcore.com, ietf-pkix@tandem.com, ietf-tls@w3.org, ietf@cnri.reston.va.us, ipsec@ans.net, pem-dev@tis.com, psrg@isi.edu, sndss-authors@isi.edu, sndss-chairs@tis.com, spki@c2.net, virus-l@lehigh.edu, www-buyinfo@allegra.att.com, www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INTERNET SOCIETY 1997 SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM SECURITY (NDSS '97) 10-11 FEBRUARY 1997 SAN DIEGO PRINCESS RESORT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA This fourth annual symposium will bring together researchers, implementors, and users of network and distributed system security technologies to discuss today's important security issues and challenges. It will provide a mix of technical papers and panel presentations that describe promising new approaches to security problems that are practical, and to the extent possible, have been implemented. We hope to foster the exchange of technical information and encourage the Internet community to deploy available security technologies and develop new solutions to unsolved problems. WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND The use of the Internet is rapidly growing and expanding into all aspects of our society. Commercial organizations are coming under increasing pressure to make their services available on-line. This in turn is increasing the need for rapid and widespread deployment of usable and effective network and distributed system security technologies. High visibility attacks on the Internet underscore the vulnerabilities of the Internet and the need to solve its security problems. There is growing concern for securing the network infrastructure itself. Recent trends in software distribution (such as Java and ActiveX technologies) have made certain attacks easier to carry out. Privacy has become an important issue for the Internet. NDSS '97 will bring together researchers, implementors, and users of network and distributed system technologies to discuss today's important security issues and challenges. We have selected the technical papers and panel presentations that describe promising new approaches to security problems that are practical, and to the extent possible, have been implemented. Topics to be addressed include Internet infrastructure and routing security, security for the World Wide Web, Java and ActiveX security, cryptographic protocols, public key management, and protection of privacy. The symposium will have a positive impact on the state of Internet security. You will have the opportunity to actively participate in the dialog. Ask questions of the speakers, raise your important issues during the panel sessions, and let other participants know of your requirements, observations, and experience in this important area. We hope to encourage the wide-scale deployment of security technologies and to promote new research that can address the currently unmet security needs of the Internet community. CONTENTS Preliminary Program Organizing Committee San Diego Princess Resort Registration Information Registration Form --------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R E L I M I N A R Y P R O G R A M SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. RECEPTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 7:30 A.M. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 A.M. OPENING REMARKS 9:00 A.M. SESSION 1: THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NET Chair: Stephen T. Kent (BBN Corporation, USA) Experimental Results of Covert Channel Elimination in One-Way Communication Systems, Nick Ogurtsov, Hilarie Orman, Richard Schroeppel, Sean O'Malley, and Oliver Spatscheck (University of Arizona, USA) Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall, David M. Martin Jr., Sivaramakrishnan Rajagopalan and Aviel D. Rubin (Bellcore, USA) Continuous Assessment of a Unix Configuration: Integrating Intrusion Detection & Configuration Analysis, Abdelaziz Mounji and Baudouin Le Charlier (Institut D'Informatique, Namur, BELGIUM) 10:30 A.M. BREAK 11:00 A.M. SESSION 2: PANEL: SECURITY OF DOWNLOADABLE EXECUTABLE CONTENT Chair: Aviel Rubin (Bellcore, USA) 12:30 NOON LUNCH 2:00 P.M. SESSION 3: PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS Chair: Christoph Schuba (Purdue University, USA) An Interface Specification Language for Automatically Analyzing Cryptographic Protocols, Stephen H. Brackin (Arca Systems, USA) Probable Plaintext Cryptanalysis of the IP Security Protocols, Steven M. Bellovin (AT&T Research, USA) Misplaced Trust: Kerberos Version 4 Session Keys, Bryn Dole (Sun Microsystems), Steve Lodin (Delco Electronics), and Eugene Spafford (Purdue University, USA) 3:30 P.M. BREAK 4:00 P.M. SESSION 4: PANEL: SECURITY OF THE INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Russ Mundy (Trusted Information Systems, USA) 7:00 P.M. DINNER BANQUET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 7:30 A.M. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 A.M. SESSION 5: ROUTING SECURITY Chair: Hilarie Orman (DARPA, USA) Securing the Nimrod Routing Architecture, Karen E. Sirois and Stephen T. Kent (BBN Corporation, USA) Securing Distance-Vector Routing Protocols, Bradley R. Smith, Shree Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (University of California Santa Cruz, USA) Reducing the Cost of Security in Link-State Routing, R. Hauser, A. Przygienda and G. Tsudik (IBM and USC/ISI, USA) 10:00 A.M. BREAK 10:30 A.M. SESSION 6: SECURITY FOR THE WORLD WIDE WEB Chair: Win Treese (OpenMarket, USA) Securing Web Access with DCE, Brian C. Schimpf (Gradient Technologies, USA) PANEL: SECURITY FOR THE WORLD WIDE WEB Chair: Win Treese (OpenMarket, USA) 12:00 A.M. LUNCH 1:30 P.M. SESSION 7: PUBLIC KEY MANAGEMENT Chair: Jonathan Trostle (CyberSafe, USA) Hierarchical Organization of Certification Authorities for Secure Environments, Lourdes Lopez (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, SPAIN) Trust Models in ICE-TEL, Andrew Young and Nada Kapidzic Cicovic (Univeristy of Salford, UNITED KINGDOM) Distributed Authentication in Kerberos Using Public Key Cryptography, Marvin Sirbu and John Chung-I Chuang (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) 3:00 P.M. BREAK 3:30 P.M. SESSION 8: PANEL: WEB PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY Chair: (To Be Determined) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- O R G A N I Z I N G C O M M I T T E E GENERAL CHAIR David Balenson, Trusted Information Systems PROGRAM CHAIRS Clifford Neuman, USC Information Sciences Institute Matt Bishop, University of California at Davis PROGRAM COMMITTEE Steve Bellovin, AT&T Research Tom Berson, Anagram Laboratories Doug Engert, Argonne National Laboratory Warwick Ford, Verisign Richard Graveman, Bellcore Li Gong, JavaSoft Burt Kaliski, RSA Laboratories Steve Kent, BBN Corporation Tom Longstaff, CERT Doug Maughan, National Security Agency Dan Nessett, 3Com Corporation Hilarie Orman, DARPA/ITO Michael Roe, University of Cambridge Christoph Schuba, Purdue University Jonathan Trostle, CyberSafe Theodore Ts'o, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Doug Tygar, Carnegie Mellon University Vijay Varadharajan, University of W. Sydney Roberto Zamparo, Telia Research PUBLICATIONS CHAIR Steve Welke, Institute for Defense Analyses LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR Thomas Hutton, San Diego Supercomputer Center REGISTRATIONS CHAIR Torryn Brazell, Internet Society STEERING GROUP Internet Research Task Force, Privacy and Security Research Group SPONSORED BY THE INTERNET SOCIETY Donald M. Heath, President & CEO Martin Burack, Executive Director --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A N D I E G O P R I N C E S S R E S O R T LOCATION The Symposium venue is the San Diego Princess Resort, a tropical paradise on a forty-four acre island in Mission Bay, ten minutes from the international airport. Lush gardens landscaped with hundreds of species of tropical and subtropical plants are always ablaze with color and perfect for themed group events. Charming pathways wander among sparkling waterfalls, across quaint footbridges and sleepy lagoons filled with water lilies and waterfowl. A white sand beach curves around the island for over a mile, and the award-winning grounds encompass five swimming pools and six lighted tennis courts. Spouses and family members can catch a convenient Harbor Hopper for a quick trip to Sea World. Plan to visit La Jolla, the world famous San Diego Zoo or Mexico, only 30 minutes by car or Trolley. HOUSING INFORMATION We have reserved a special block of sleeping rooms at the San Diego Princess Resort at the following rates: Lanai Patio Rooms $ 81* Lanai Garden Rooms $114 * This represents the Government Rate for San Diego. A limited number of rooms are available at this rate. Reservations must be made no later than January 13, 1997. You must present a valid government id upon check-in. Based on room type and space availability, the special group rates are applicable two days prior to and two days after the symposium. Current Room Tax is 10.5%. Check-in availability cannot be committed prior to 4:00 p.m. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. The San Diego Princess Resort will make every effort to accommodate any early arrivals, so make sure you give them your arrival time when you make your reservation. TO MAKE A RESERVATION Contact the San Diego Princess Resort at +1-800-344-2626 (+1-619-274-4630 if outside the United States). To receive the special group rates, reservations must be made no later than January 20, 1997. To receive the special goverment rate, you must make your reservation by January 13, 1997. CLIMATE February weather in San Diego is normally very pleasant. Early morning temperatures average 55 degrees while afternoon temperatures average 67 degrees. Generally, a light jacket or sweater is adequate, although, occasionally it rains. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E G I S T R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N FEES ISOC Non- Members Member* Early registration (postmarked on/before Jan. 22) $305 $345 Late registration $375 $415 REGISTRATION INCLUDES - Attendance - Symposium Proceedings - Two luncheons - Reception - Banquet - Coffee Breaks * Non-Member fee includes one year Internet Society membership. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Carol Gray at the Internet Society at +1-703-648-9888 or send E-mail to Ndss97reg@isoc.org. WEB PAGE Additional information about the symposium and San Diego, plus on-line registration, are available via the Web at: http://www.isoc.org/conferences/ndss97 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE! Contact Torryn Brazell at the Internet Society at +1-703-648-9888 or send E-mail to Ndss97reg@isoc.org. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M INTERNET SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM SECURITY 10-11 FEBRUARY, 1997 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, USA Fill out this form and FAX it to NDSS'97 Registration at +1-703-648-9887, send it via E-mail to Ndss97reg@isoc.org, or mail it to NDSS97, 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 210, Reston, VA, 20191, USA PERSONAL INFORMATION __Mr __Ms __Mrs __Dr __Prof __M __Prof Dr __Dip Ing __Ing __Miss __Mlle First Name: ________________________________ MI: ____________________ Family Name: ___________________________________ __Sr __Jr __II __III Badge Name: __________________________________________________________ Please enter your name as you would like it to appear on your name tag. CONTACT INFORMATION Title: _______________________________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________________________________ Street address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________________ State/Province: ___________________________ Postal Code: ____________ Country: _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number (work): _____________________________________________ Telephone Number (home): _____________________________________________ Fax Number: __________________________________________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________ SPECIAL NEEDS? (Vegetarian meals, wheelchair access, etc?) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ APPEAR ON REGISTRANTS LIST? ___ Please check here if you would NOT like your name included in the list of registrants. PAYMENT INFORMATION All Payments must be in United States Dollars. Conference Fee -------------- If you are an Internet Society member, you are eligible for a reduced conference registration fee. Non-member symposium attendees will receive a one year Internet Society membership as part of the non-member registration fees. Check one: On/Before After January 22 January 22 ---------- ---------- ___ Internet Society Member Fee US$ 305.00 US$ 375.00 ___ Non-Member Fee US$ 345.00 US$ 415.00 Method of Payment ----------------- Payment must be received on/before February 7, 1997 or we will be unable to pre-register you. 1. ___ Check. Make payable to the Internet Society. 2. ___ Credit Card. ___ American Express ___ Visa ___ Mastercard Name on Credit Card: ____________________________________ Credit Card Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ________________________________________ 3. ___ CyberCash. Account Number: _____________________________ 4. ___ First Virtual. Account Number: _________________________ 5. ___ Wire Transfer* Bank ABA Number: 054000030 Account Number: Internet Society 148 387 10 Riggs National Bank of Virginia 950 Herndon Parkway Herndon, VA 20171 USA Wire Transfer Confirmation Number: ______________________ * Please process wire transfer before sending registration form. 6. ___ U.S. Government Purchase Order* P.O. Number: ____________________________________________ * Please fax or mail a copy of your purchase order along with your registration form. Cancellation Policy ------------------- Refunds (less a $25 processing fee) will be issued for cancellations received on/before February 7, 1997. No refunds will be issued after February 7, 1997. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Tuesday, 26 November 1996 21:37:08 UTC