Re: SSL/STLP Winsock Implementation

> Is it possible to implement SSL or STLP for all winsock 
> communications?
> For example, I would like to encrypt all FTP communication
> with a specific server, without depending on the FTP client
> application used.
> So - is this possible? Is there such an implementation?
> Thanks,
> Yonat.

We do this on our B2 Unix implementation (DG/UX), and a partner is
implementing this for Windows.  The actual implementation will allow
arbitrary filters to be configured for specific types of connections for
specific users and/or specific hosts.  SSL will be one of the original
filters offered.

This is not currently available.  If you would like additional info, let me

Jon F. Spencer  (uunet!!spencerj)
Data General Corp.                  Phone : (919)248-6246
62 T.W. Alexander Dr, MS #119       FAX   : (919)248-6108
Research Triangle Park, NC  27709   Office RTP 121/9

	Reality is an illusion - perception is what counts.

	No success can compensate for failure at home.
			President David O. McKay

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Received on Wednesday, 14 August 1996 12:44:36 UTC