IEEE Data Mining 2005: Call for Participation

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IEEE Data Mining 2005: Call for Participation


The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
to be held at the Inter-Continental Hotel, 2222 West Loop 
South Houston, TX 77027, USA
November 27th - 30th, 2005, invites you to attend.

* On-line registration (and other information) is available at
  Register by October 22nd to get the early-bird rate!

* Be sure to book hotel rooms by November 17, 2005 for discounted 
Hotel Website:
The three letter code to get special rate, 
during online booking is 'S07'.
The code for phone booking is 
'ICDM 2005' or 'IEEE ICDM 2005'
ICDM received a total of 630 paper submissions this year, from which
69 regular papers and 72 short papers were selected for presentation.
These papers are listed in the conference program at the above
conference website.

Conference highlights include the following.

* Four Invited Talks (November 28 - 30, 2005)
  (Abstracts and schedule available at ICDM'05 Website at

1. "Top 10 Data Mining Mistakes"

    Dr. John F. Elder IV
    Chief Scientist, Elder Research, Inc., USA

2. "The Million Book Digital Library Project: Research 
     Problems in Data Mining And Discovery"

     Dr. Raj Reddy (Turing Award Winner)
     Mozah Bint Nasser University Professor
     of Computer Science and Robotics
     Carnegie Mellon University, USA

3. "Graphical Models for Structure Extraction and 
    Information Integration"

     Dr. Sunita Sarawagi 
     Associate Professor
     KR School of Information technology
     IIT Bombay, India

4. "Efficient Indexing Technology for Data Mining of 
    Scientific Data"

     Dr. Arie Shoshani
     Senior Staff Scientist, NSERC
     Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

* Five Tutorials (Sunday, November 27, 2005)
  (More information available at ICDM'05 Website at

Models and Methods for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining and Data
Publishing, ICDM'05 Invited Tutorial
by Johannes Gehrke (3 hours, in the morning) 

Clustering with Constraints
by Sugato Basu and Ian Davidson (3 hours, in the morning) 

Bioinformatics and Bioimage Analysis
by Chris Ding and Hanchuan Peng (3 hours 20 mins, in the afternoon)

Mining and Searching of Graph-Structured Databases, 
ICDM'05 Invited Tutorial, 
by Jiawei Han, Xifeng Yan, and Philip Yu (3 hours, in the afternoon)

DMX, XML for Analysis and SQL Server Data Mining Platform,
ICDM'05 Invited Tutorial
by Zhaohui Tang (7:00 pm ~10:00 pm). 
Note: this tutorial is complimentary for all conference participants
(without any charges).

* Ten Workshops (Sunday, November 27, 2005):
  (More information available at ICDM'05 Website at

 1. Multiagent Data Warehousing and Multiagent Data Mining 
    (8:00 am ~12:45 pm)
 2. Optimization-based Data Mining Techniques with Applications
    (8:00 am~12:45 pm)
 3. Data Mining Case Studies and Practice Prize
    (1:15 pm ~ 6:00 pm)
 4. Temporal Data Mining: Algorithms, Theory and Applications
    (8:00 am~6:00 pm) 
 5. Knowledge Acquisition from Distributed, Autonomous, Semantically
    Heterogeneous Data and Knowledge Sources
    (1:15 pm ~6:00 pm)
 6. Computational Intelligence in Data Mining 
    (1:15 pm ~6:00 pm)
 7. Data Mining and the Grid (1:15 pm ~6:00 pm)
 8. Foundation of Semantic Oriented Data and Web Mining 
    (8:00 am~6:00 pm) 
 9. Mining Complex Data (8:00 am ~12:45 pm)
10. Privacy and Security Aspects of Data Mining 
    (8:00 am ~ 12:45 pm)

* One Panel (2:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm, Tuesday, November 29, 2005)
  (Panelists and topics information available at ICDM'05 Website at

  Data Mining -- Where to go?
  Panel Chair: Wen-Ran Zhang

* 141 Technical Paper Presentations (November 28 - 30, 2005)

  There are 21 sessions on:
   Time Series,
   Clustering Schemes, 
   Pattern Analysis on Text and Structured Data, 
   Quality Assessment, 
   Spatial Data and Classification Schemes, 
   Preprocessing Techniques and Feature Selection, 
   Learning Techniques, 
   Data Representation, 
   Security and Privacy, 
   Bio-Medical and Social Data Mining Applications, 
   Statistical Methods, 
   Web Data Mining Applications, Tools and Algorithms, 
   Data Mining Applications, and 
   Optimization Techniques.

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2005 07:31:12 UTC