Re: XML's Role in E-Commerce and Enterprise Computing

Hi Mel,

Mel Pullen wrote:
> RE: XML's Role in E-Commerce and Enterprise ComputingThe problem with this
> approach is the missing functionality of the HTTP protocol. SWAP was
> building on the WebDAV protocol and I think WfMC has missed that point.
> No longer do we have a standard protocol which would allow open interaction
> between workflow servers, but a self serving set of APIs to allow the
> suppliers to retain control of the market. There is too much missing from
> the drafts; too much functionality will be proprietary extensions.

The Apache-derived Magi Project ( is actively working 
on realeasing an installable server, a Wf-XML derived implementation & 
parser, a SWAP implementation that leverages our close ties to HTTP and WebDAV, 
and an embeddable workflow engine--all open source.  Currently you
can download the server and the open MagiDAV implementation.

I think you'll see all the  pieces fall into place and the drafts will 
evolve as people get hands on experience playing around with implementations. 


>   -----Original Message-----
>   SWAP then becomes simply the sending of this format over HTTP, which is an
> example transport protocol mentioned in the spec.

Greg Bolcer
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fax: 603.994.0516

Received on Friday, 2 June 2000 08:53:28 UTC