Projects & Posters WACC'99

My apologies for multiple recipients.

I've been asked to solicit Posters and Research
Demonstrations for the 1999 International Joint Conference on
Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration (WACC '99)
conference in at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco,
California, February 22-25, 1999.  WACC'99 is unique in that
it is jointly sponsored (pending final approval) by four ACM Special
Interest Groups: SIGCHI, SIGGROUP, SIGMOD, and SIGSOFT.  In addition,
the conference is being organized in association with the IEEE Technical
on Data Engineering and in cooperation with the International Software Process
Participants will be able to broadly disseminate their research results in
to gaining valuable insight and feedback from other research communities
addressing similar

A brief overview is provided below, and complete information about the 
conference may be found at:

WACC '99 provides a multi-purpose forum for the presentation, discussion, and
demonstration of key
ideas in this important area. Twenty-four technical papers will be presented
demonstrating novel
research results. The keynote address, titled Managing Processes in the
Networked Economy, will be
given by Thomas W. Malone, MIT Sloan School of Management. Invited speakers,
panels, posters,
and informal research demonstrations will be included in the conference program.
The conference will
be complemented by workshops on Cross-Organizational Workflow Management and
and Implementing Tailorability in Groupware and tutorials on Internet Scale
Workflow: Standards for
Cross-Enterprise Business Processes; CSCW, Groupware and Workflow: Experiences,
State of the
Art, and Future Trends; and XML: Modeling Data and Metadata. A reception will be
held the evening
of Tuesday, February 23. 

Topics of interest include: 
      Architectures                  Mobility
      Case studies and experience    Modeling and execution 
      Collaborative transactions     Organizational structures 
      Consistency and inconsistency  Reengineering 
      Coordination models            Resource utilization and reuse 
      Exceptions and deviations      Scaling to the Internet 
      Human interaction              Temporal constraints 
      Interoperablility              Tools and methods 
      Metrics and measurement        Virtual corporations and communities 
Call for Posters, and Research Demonstrations 

WACC '99 invites Poster, and Informal Research Demonstration submissions.
Posters and Informal 
Research Demonstrations provide an excellent opportunity to exhibit and discuss
results and research prototypes. 

Display space will be provided for posters in the poster/informal research
demonstration room. 

Only versions of tools or systems (a) developed for non-commercial purposes to
explore novel
research ideas or (b) which are at least six months from commercial offerings
will be accepted as
research demonstrations. Booths will be provided in the Poster/Informal Research
room. No Internet connections, phone lines, or computing or projection equipment
will be provided. 

Poster and demonstration researchers are expected to be available during the
reception Tuesday
evening. Wednesday morning from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, and during breaks. 

How to Submit. Prepare a one-page description of the proposed poster or informal
demonstration. Poster and informal research demonstration submissions must
describe the research 
problem addressed and include an outline of how the solution will be presented
to its audience.

Submissions must be prepared in plain ASCII text and sent electronically to:
Further, if you are planning on attending WACC'99 and may be interested in
seeing the latest work
in a particular area or from a particular research group, please forward your
suggestions to myself 
or the submission email address.

Received on Monday, 28 December 1998 18:31:50 UTC