Possible need for new 3xx status code Temporarily See Other

This is a comment on HTTP/1.1, part 2: Message Semantics draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-16

We have a situation where, to prevent server overload, we temporarily can't serve the desired resource but can serve a related resource that may be helpful. We don't want search engines to register this as an update to our website.

We have settled on 307 Temporary Redirect. But that's not accurate, because it's not a temporarily moved resource, it's a substitute resource. So 303 See Other would in theory be more appropriate.

But 303 See Other might be taken as stating that the requestor should ask for this other resource in the future, which might cause search engines to update their index, which we don't want to happen.

It would be nice to have a 3xx status code for Temporarily See Other to get across that we are only serving this other resource temporarily and that future requests should be for the original request.

Hope this helps,

Charles Belov
Digital Accessibility & Inclusion Coordinator
Founding Web Lead
Communications & Marketing

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Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2024 23:52:26 UTC