Re: Adoption call for draft-wicg-http-no-vary-search

Hi all,

Thanks for the additional feedback after this last message! I believe we do have sufficient and diverse support for adopting this document now.

I’ve marked draft-wicg-http-no-vary-search as adopted. Authors, please send a PR to add your document to, and work on publishing draft-ietf-httpbis-no-vary-search-00. One minor note for document status — I believe it is currently marked Informational, but should be Proposed Standard.


> On Aug 28, 2024, at 1:19 PM, Tommy Pauly <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The date for this adoption call end passed last week, and at this point we don’t have enough support to adopt. We’ll put this on hold until there is clearer support across the WG for adoption.
> Thanks,
> Tommy
>> On Aug 18, 2024, at 6:38 PM, Tommy Pauly <> wrote:
>>> On Aug 2, 2024, at 7:10 PM, Tommy Pauly <> wrote:
>>> Hello HTTP,
>>> This email starts a working group adoption call for "No-Vary-Search”, draft-wicg-http-no-vary-search. This document was discussed at the IETF 120 meeting last week.
>>> You can find the datatracker page and content of the document here:
>>> This call will last for 3 weeks, and end on Friday, August 32. Please reply to this email to indicate if you support the working group taking on this work, along with any other reviews and comments. We’re particularly interested to see any comments about implementation intent.
>> Reminder that this call is ongoing—also it ends on August 23rd. Sorry for the typo!
>> Tommy
>>> Best,
>>> Tommy

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2024 18:44:35 UTC