On the HTTP Query Method

So following up on other who have commented on this...

To me, this seems a bit like a bypass for what 'controllers' and services
are for (see MVC). They pull in the RESOURCE and allow checks to take place
so that processing/logic is separate from data (see separation of concern).

As a result, this is allowing for a security bypass in the fact that it
will not allow for  RBAC/ABAC checks which are tightly bound to endpoints.

For example, in springboot:

public String jwt(@AuthenticationPrincipal Jwt jwt) {
return String.format("Hello, %s!\nClaims: %s",
            jwt.getSubject(), jwt.getClaims());

This is important for multiple reasons:
- *we don't always arrive at an endpoint by passing through the gateway
first*; we can do internal redirects in the application in which case we
still need to check the credentials of the client
- *not all clients may send/receive the same data*; for example, when
requesting user data, a 'user' PRINCIPLE can be derived from the JWT for a
USER role but for an ADMIN role, we may want them to be able to send an ID
to be able to pull up a user of their choice.

Thus separation of CONTROLLER/BUSINESS LOGIC can lead to bad structuring
and poor security decisions.

Owen Rubel

Received on Monday, 23 September 2024 23:25:29 UTC