Httpdir telechat review of draft-ietf-netconf-http-client-server-23

Reviewer: Mark Nottingham
Review result: Not Ready

My recollection of our most recent discussions of this draft were that it
_might_ make sense to allow configuration of what version(s) of HTTP a server
supports, but not a client. Since -17, it appears the opposite has been done:
while server configuration remains the same, client configuration now allows
enumeration of supported versions.

Additionally, support is indicated by using separate, version-specific
indicators. This is a closed list and does not accommodate future versions of
the protocol. Can this be an array of strings instead? That would also allow us
to avoid the awkward phrasing in the introduction, which leads readers to
believe the set of HTTP versions is closed (counter to BCP56).

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2024 01:23:52 UTC