Re: Resumable Upload draft updates

On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 12:58 PM Lucas Pardue <> wrote:

> Integrity using standardized  HTTP digests is described in
> Integrity for parts, or whole is covered by the Content-Digest or
> Repr-Digest.
> During the standardisation of RFC 9530, we did a survey and found many of
> these upload services tend to use the Content-MD5 field to some extent,
> which is sad because it was obsoleted by RFC 7231 due to implementation
> inconsistencies.

Ah, ok. I didn't know that one got finished. This sounds like a fine
approach. Here's the Amazon way (for other readers, sounds like the authors
have made an informed decision):

Not necessarily MD5, but it can be. I think a lot of those applications
don't really care about standardization, because they expect people to use
their client SDKs anyway.


Received on Thursday, 25 July 2024 20:19:57 UTC