Re: Resumable Upload draft updates

On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 4:34 AM Marius Kleidl <>

> I wonder if it's helpful to include such a comparison in the draft.

I don't think a comparison in the draft would be helpful. I was wondering
whether the draft differed from S3 et al in substantial ways, and if so,
for what reason. The size limits on S3 aren't of interest to me (but fine
for them).

If you're doing a mobile app, people have many bespoke implementations that
are similar to this draft, just in smaller chunks, but the designs are all
close. It sounds like your company does some of this stuff, so no pedantry
intended. I did wonder why it is so different from S3 on the surface. Most
designs I've seen also have checksums for each chunk as well as the whole.
This is not for security reasons, it's just that the recombination happens
after TLS termination, so people use that to ensure message integrity.


Received on Thursday, 25 July 2024 19:40:30 UTC