Re: Upcoming MAPRG agenda for IETF-120

Resending to the witarea list. Sorry for the duplicated message for others!

On 17.07.24, 16:33, "Mirja Kuehlewind" < <>> wrote:

Hi WITers,

I just wanted to point out our upcoming MAPRG agenda to you as we have some interesting talks, e.g. on H3 Prioritization, protocol testing, streaming QoE over GEO networks (see below). The agenda is also available here: <>

Hope to see you Wednesday morning!


# IRTF maprg agenda for IETF-120 (Vancouver)

Date: Monday, 24 July 2024, Session I 9:30-11:30<br>
Full client with Video:;short=maprg&amp;item=1<br> <;amp;short=maprg&amp;amp;item=1&lt;br&gt;>
Room: Georgia B<br>
IRTF Note Well:<br> <;br&gt;>

### Agenda

* Overview and Status - Mirja/Dave (5 min)

* Heads-Up/ANRW talk: HTTP/3’s Extensible Prioritization Scheme in the Wild - Joris Herbots (5 mins) (in-person)

* Peaking Beyond the Best Route: An Extensive Dataset for Looking Glasses - Pascal Hennen (15 mins) (remote)

* Testing Protocols in Simulated Network Conditions - Tommy Pauly (10 mins) (in-person)

* Watching Stars in Pixels: The Interplay of Traffic Shaping and YouTube Streaming QoE over GEO Satellite Networks - Jiamo Liu (remote) (15 mins) (remote)

* A First Look At NAT64 Deployment In-The-Wild - Amanda Hsuan (15 mins) (remote)

* Preparing to Detect IPv6 Attacks on Your IoT Devices - Phil Roberts (15 mins) (remote)

* Understanding anomalies using a baseline dataset comparison - Wes Hardaker (10 mins) (in-person)

* Field Experiments on Post-Quantum DNSSEC - Peter Thomassen/Jason Goertzen (15 mins) (in-person)

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2024 14:39:35 UTC