Problem types for digest fields

Dear working group,

the digest fields from RFC 9530 provide a mechanism to exchange integrity
values between clients and servers. However, the document does by design
not define, require or recommend any specific behavior for server-side
error handling relating to integrity values. This makes it challenging for
a generic client to detect problems related to integrity fields included in
the request. A short-coming that we also discovered while integrating
integrity checks into the latest resumable upload draft.

The problem types from RFC 9457, on the other hand, provide a standardized
method for indicating problems that appeared while processing a request.
Together with help from Roberto Polli, Lucas and I wiped up a draft to
define common problem types relating to integrity values:

Is there interest in working on such a draft in the httpbis working group?
Or might the httpapi working group be better suited? Digest fields are a
result of httpbis, while the latest problem types revision originated in
httpapi. I will also post to the httpapi mailing to see their perspective
on this.

We would be glad for any feedback on this!

Marius Kleidl

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 13:57:38 UTC