Limits on number of interim responses in HTTP clients/proxies

Dear working group,

the HTTP client in Go's standard library includes an (undocumented, as far
as I know) limit on how many interim or final responses it will receive for
a single requests. In general, the client handles interim responses well,
but if more than 5 responses are received, the entire connection/stream is
aborted. This also results in the final response being lost. More details
on this hard-coded limit can be found at

While this is a limitation in Go's client and should be addressed there, it
does raise two questions:
1. Is there a recommendation in any RFC to limit the number of received
responses to avoid a certain type of attack or abuse pattern? I was not
able to find such in RFC 9110 or 9112.
2. Do people know whether other clients or proxies implement a similar
limit? Proxies should not interfere with interim responses AFAIK, but the
reality might be different. It would be helpful to know if this limitation
is common.

A bit more on the background: As part of
draft-ietf-httpbis-resumable-upload, we are considering allowing an
endpoint to regularly send interim responses to update the client on the
processing progress. Of course, this feature is contra-productive if the
client aborts the connection after too many responses. In the past, HTTP
endpoints usually didn't send many interim responses, so such limitations
were not causing regular problems.

I would be happy to hear if someone has more insights into this.

Best regards
Marius Kleidl

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 10:05:36 UTC