Suggestions for HTTP/2, RFC 9113, Section 2.


Most respectfully. I've the following suggestions w.r.t.  HTTP/2, RFC 9113,
Section 2.

1. "HTTP/2 is a connection-oriented application-layer protocol..."

HTTP/2 is a stateless application-layer protocol...

2. Sub-section 2.2. The term "endpoint" may not be equated with a client or
server. The term endpoint refers specifically to a URI at the application
layer. By extension/overloading, it also refers to the proxy software (
e.g., class) abstracting the endpoint. It can't refer to the client IP
address + port  or to the server IP address+port that actually sets up the
TCP connection at the transport layer. And  a typical web client like a
user agent/client (e.g. browser) doesn't have a  URI.  Yes, maybe, the term
endpoint can be used for the addresses of the other stateless protocols,
e.g., simply, an IP address at the IP layer.

3. In the traditional HTTP 1.1 literature as well as software
documentation, the term HTTP connection or HTTP session are used. However,
from the context, it is clear that they refer to the connection/session at
the TCP layer, not at the the HTTP/application layer itself, where
communication exchange is stateless/connectioness/sesssionless (simply
Request-Response; or additionally a Server push as in HTTP/2). We may
clarify the terminology in this RFC accordingly.

Kind regards,
Rupinder Singh

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2024 03:37:39 UTC