RFC 8441 - The value of :protocol field


RFC 8441 states 

> A new pseudo-header field :protocol MAY be included on request HEADERS indicating the desired protocol to be spoken on the tunnel created by CONNECT. The pseudo-header field is single valued and contains a value from the "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Upgrade Token Registry" located at <https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-upgrade-tokens>

This seems to have two problems on the letter of the requirement IMO:

1) An HTTP/2 request could span HEADERS and CONTINUATION. It would be weird to do that with the early pseudo-headers but I don't think it's illegal

2) Tokens are an extension point, and its ok to send values that aren't formally registered, and never will vlbe, in the IANA registry.

Anyone else have opinions on this?


Received on Monday, 3 June 2024 23:50:06 UTC