Re: Declarative HTTP Spec Test Suite

The results in scenario 2 sound off. Chrome shouldn't treat
ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH differently between HTTP and HTTPS. I'm not
familiar with their implementation, but the Firefox results similarly don't
make sense. Indeed it's quite important to enforce this over HTTPS, for
HTTP/1.1, because that is what defends against truncation attacks. (In
principle, TLS has the close_notify alert, but close_notify is, in
practice, a fiction for HTTPS. Instead we must rely on in-protocol
termination signals. For HTTP/1.1, one of those signals is Content-Length.)
Also it's generally on HTTPS that one can be more strict, not less, because
there are fewer intermediaries to worry about.

Given some of your errors mention HTTP/2, I suspect you are comparing
apples to oranges, and your HTTPS tests are testing HTTP/2. You mention the
Go standard library, but keep in mind that Go automatically enables HTTP/2.
The Content-Length header means very different things between HTTP/1.1 and
HTTP/2. In HTTP/1.1, it is a critical part of framing and needs to be
checked at that layer. (HTTP/1.1's framing is incredibly fragile. "Text"
protocols are wonderful.) In HTTP/2, it has no impact on framing and was
historically[0] considered advisory. The spec now considers it invalid,
otherwise an h2-to-h1 intermediary will have problems. [1] discusses this.
But that's where this mess with receivers enforcing dates to. Provided it
doesn't cause you to turn around and send mis-framed HTTP/1.1, it is
more-or-less safe, if sloppy, to accept it in HTTP/2.



On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 7:30 AM Mohammed Al Sahaf <> wrote:

> Hello,
> This is a proposal that is triggered by some of my involvement with the Caddy
> web server <> project. We (Caddy team) have been
> working towards developing a declarative test suite for the Caddy server.
> The discussions (particularly a comment
> <>
> by a user) led me to believe it's best to bring up the HTTP spec compliance
> parts with the HTTP WG for better insight and to have a common well-being
> check for all members of the HTTP community.
> There are numerous RFCs governing HTTP and the behavior of its citizens.
> Compliance to the RFCs is only validated through interoperability or manual
> eyeing of the RFCs against the implementation. The RFCs, for good reasons,
> are walls of texts and are akin to legalese when it comes to
> interpretation. Consequently, nuanced sections are possibly missed without
> visible failures due to being an edge-case. Having a specification defined
> as a test suite in a declarative language removes much of ambiguity and
> enables validation of conformance by the HTTP citizens. I hope to turn this
> into an official proposal, but I'd like to put the draft forward for
> discussion to solidify the approach and the scope first.
> *Motivation*:
> Conformance is an assurance of compatibility across the various components
> of the web and gives confidence of breakage if any of them were to change
> behavior or if the HTTP semantics were to change. Conformity can also
> assist in optimization efforts. If the behavior is known for sure in
> advance, certain optimizations can be applied.
> Secondly, it unifies the expectations of the community. Let's take for
> example the HTTP semantics of the Content-Length header as defined in RFC
> 9110 <>.
> The RFC states when servers and user-agents SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, MAY, MAY
> NOT, AND MUST NOT send the Content-Length header, but it does not specify
> how should either of them (server and user-agent) handle cases of mismatch
> between content-length header value and actual content length of the
> payload. I have run an unscientific poll on Twitter about the assumed ideal
> behavior of a client if the Content-Length value does not match the
> actual content-length of the body.
> First poll <>:
> What's the ideal HTTP client (e.g. curl, browser) behavior when the server
> includes more bytes in response body than stated in the content-length
> header? e.g. "Content-Length: 2", actual body length: 3.
> *Responses* (19 responses):
>    - Ignore header; read fully (4 votes; 21.1%)
>    - Read till content-length value (6 votes; 31.6%)
>    -
> *Abort/reject (9 votes; 47.4%) *
> *Reality*:
> When testing this scenario, I found the following:
>    - curl aborts the connection, reporting "(18) transfer closed with 1
>    bytes remaining to read" for *plaintext HTTP* connection, and "(92)
>    HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1)" for
>    *HTTPS* connections.
>    - Firefox fails the transfer on *plaintext HTTP* with
>    "NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER"; but with *HTTPS* connection, it only
>    reads and displays payload per the number of bytes stated in the header
>    value.
>    - Chrome fails the transfer on *plaintext HTTP* with
>    "(failed)net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH"; but with *HTTPS*
>    connection, it ignores the header value and displays the full payload.
> Second Poll <>:
> What's the ideal HTTP client (e.g. curl, browser) behavior when the server
> includes fewer bytes in response body than stated in the content-length
> header? e.g. "Content-Length: 5", actual body length: 3
> *Responses* (18 responses):
>    - Ignore header; read 3 (7 votes; 38.9%)
>    - Pad; with what? (0 votes; 0%)
>    - *Reject/abort (9 votes; 50%)*
>    - Other; comment (2 votes; 11.1%, none of them elaborated)
> *Reality*:
> When testing this scenario, I found the following:
>    - curl aborts the connection, reporting "(18) transfer closed with 1
>    bytes remaining to read" for *plaintext HTTP* connection; *for HTTPS*,
>    it prints the payload in full preceded by the message "(92) HTTP/2
>    stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1)".
>    - Firefox displays the full payload *for HTTPS* connections without
>    reporting any errors. For *plaintext HTTP,* it displays the full
>    payload but reports an error "NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER"
>    - Chrome displays the full payload *for HTTPS* connections without
>    reporting any errors. For *plaintext HTTP,* it fails to load the
>    content and reports the error
>    "(failed)net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH".
> Third Poll <>:
> Assuming it's possible... What's the ideal HTTP client (e.g. curl,
> browser) behavior when the server includes negative value in the
> content-length header? e.g. "Content-Length: -2"
> *Responses* (21 responses):
>    - Ignore value (7 votes; 33.3%)
>    -
> *Reject/abort (14 votes; 66.7%) *
> *Reality*:
> I couldn't in effect test the scenario. I'm using Caddy for all the
> scenarios, and the Go standard library doesn't set the Content-Length
> header if it's set to a value of less than 0 (source
> <>
> )
> Conclusion: The variation observed in the user agents and the, albeit
> unscientific, poll responses show a lack of consensus on the expected
> behavior. Each agent (human or machine) apply their own interpretations and
> assumptions to the protocol. The disagreement makes the evolution of the
> protocol difficult because of the varying expectations.
> *Method*:
> The test suite should be defined in declarative format that can be easily
> composed by humans and read by machines. The declarative,
> programming-language-agnostic format allows developers (RFC developers and
> software developers) of all backgrounds to contribute without a
> programming-language-based gate. In my research, I have found the
> open-source tool hurl <> to be a suitable tool for
> defining HTTP server specification and to test it. It defines its own DSL
> for the request/response patterns and may be run with --test flag along
> with --report-{json,html,tap} to produce test results.
> The testing effort may be implemented in phases. The first phase is to
> author the test suite in a common, public repository. This makes it
> accessible for web server developers to clone it and run the test suite
> against their own software. The second phase is to provide an interface for
> automated testing and a UI to display the conformance summary of each web
> server submitted to the list.
> *Challenges*:
> *Agnostic Tooling*: The first challenge is to find an HTTP client that
> implements HTTP Semantics RFCs perfectly, otherwise its own idiosyncrasies
> will get in the way of the validation. One would be tempted to default to
> curl, especially that hurl uses curl under the hood. However, there is a
> chance curl may have its own set of HTTP idiosyncrasies that may affect
> the results of the test execution. Changes to curl are probably not
> desired unless the subject behavior is confirmed to be a defect.
> Involvement of curl is voluntary to curl, and the team may be looped and
> involved into this initiative for comments if desired.
> *Suitable DSL (Domain Specific Language)*: The hurl DSL is decent. In my
> experiment for a proof-of-concept, I found it lacking a few functions or
> operations to be perfectly suitable, e.g. indicating optionality. hurl
> has the advantage of its DSL  grammar being defined as a spec with
> deterministic parsing. Extensions and/or changes to hurl to accommodate
> this effort is up to the hurl developers.
> *Prior Art*:
> There's a wiki page title HTTP Testing Resources
> <> under the
> repository. The page contains the following note:
>    -
>    *Note that there is no official conformance test suite. These tests
>    have not been vetted for correctness by the HTTP Working Group, and the
>    authority for conformance is always the relevant specification.*
> Indeed some of the listed projects have not been updated for a while.
> Worthy of note on the page is the project, REDBot, and
> httplint (which REDBot uses).
> The REDBot project (by Mark Nottingham) was used by one of Caddy users to
> report a gap <> in the
> conformance, which was subsequently fixed. Using REDBot requires pointing
> at a particular resource.
> The is of keen interest for some inspiration of design.
> The test suite is close in essence to this proposal, which is a declarative
> suite that can be run by cache system developers to validate their
> conformance to the cache related RFCs. The Souin
> <> caching system runs the
> test suite on every pull request to note its conformance
> level and to watch for variations. The display of each system, the use
> case, and its conformance status allows the users and the developers to
> take appropriate actions. The website and the UI can be a phase-2
> (long-term goal) of this proposal, but the details of how to set up the
> system and run the tests can be postponed until more information is known
> about the test suite itself.
> *Humble Attempt*:
> To test the idea and develop a proof-of-concept, I have managed to convert
> 4 tests from REDBot (procedural, Python-based) to Hurl (declarative
> format). The test suite contains a collection of test sets in nested
> directory structure. The suite declares the URL it will call for each test
> case so web servers can be configured accordingly for the subject URL. The
> GitHub repository for the PoC is here:
> http-semantics-test-suite. The repository currently does not have a
> license applied as it's only for display of PoC, though I am inclined to
> apply Apache-2 or any other open-source-compatible license once the
> approach is agreed and finalized.
> All the best,
> Mohammed
> Blog <> | LinkedIn
> <>

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2024 13:48:04 UTC