Re: Call for Adoption: draft-pauly-httpbis-geoip-hint


On 05/09/2022 13:38, Ted Hardie wrote:
> In short, I oppose this, and I think the working group should simply avoid
> work in this area completely; it is fraught with pitfalls.  If you must do
> work in the area, start from the right place, which is a privacy-preserving
> architecture.  Get to the header format at the*end*  of that process.

I generally agree with Ted on the above, and the rest
of his mail. I'm not so sure though that the experience
since the geopriv WG shows that attempting a similar
process again would be that productive either.

Were work on this topic to proceed, I'd argue that would
need to start from a public analysis of the IMO currently
fairly awful situation with respect to location privacy,
with an aim of achieving overall improvement. I'd argue
that would require a BoF at least, as there are many
different angles and starting positions IETF participants
would likely want included in such a discussion.


Received on Monday, 5 September 2022 14:42:09 UTC