Re: Byte range PATCH

> On Aug 5, 2022, at 19:53, Guoye Zhang <> wrote:
> Thinking about this more, there is a problem with using Content-Range for this as well. End offset is inclusive, so in order to insert / append, we need to decrease it by one.

You may still be on to something. Personally, I would expect the syntax:

Content-Range: bytes 0/100 (prepend at beginning)

Content-Range: bytes 100/100 (append at end)

But, as before with an indefinite-length response (an indeterminate length response that goes on forever), this may require a new field name, if revising Content-Range is implausible. e.g. "Content-At"



Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2022 05:52:27 UTC