Re: H2 vs HPACK header table size... again

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 04:21:01PM +1100, Martin Thomson wrote:
> Or, you could imagine using that 0.5-RTT data to prime the HPACK
> header table with useful values (Server, or other common values
> could be a good use of the bandwidth). 

Beware that some HTTP/2 clients vomit (IIRC with fatal TLS alert 10
after sending client Finished) if the server sends 0.5-RTT data (no
client certificate request). I do not know more specifics, but I
suspect that at least in some cases, there is some "anti-virus" or
"security" product involved on the client side.


Received on Thursday, 23 December 2021 13:46:49 UTC