cookie-radius / http-equiv="cookie"

Dear Everybody,

Some time ago I've drafted a proposal for cookie-radius
( This was
not received well, so I've decided not to press the matter.

But, since then I've learned, that there is a (currently depreciated)
http-equiv.set-cookie <meta> tag attribute. Since this was implemented
in most browsers, may be an improved definition of it's semantics could
make it useful again.

This is what would be needed for the purpose of my initial usage
scenario of cookie-radius:

1. the http-equiv word should not read "set-cookie", but should be just
"cookie" to stand out from historic implementations.

2. this particular <meta> tag should be filtered away by "show-source"
browser command (as an optional feature, not required for its purpose).

3. the cookie value provided by this <meta> MUST NOT be attached to any
content that is automatically retrieved by a page download-completion
process ... meaning: this particular cookie should NOT be used
(available to the browser) until the entire page and it's content is
fully downloaded.

4. the cookie should (MUST) be included to all the requests, that the
browser make in consequence of any user action (a click, or a tap, or an
ajax action) WITHIN this page. Action that results in any network
request to the same host (an ONLY to the same host).

5. the cookie defined in a <meta http-equiv="cookie"> MUST NOT be shared
among windows or tabs. It MUST be available ONLY to the clicks on a page
that received this <meta>.

I would appreciate any opinions on such proposal.

With best regards,

RafaƂ Pietrak

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 07:38:28 UTC