Alt-Svc interaction with HTTPS/SVCB DNS records

The HTTPS/SVCB DNS record draft past WGLC in DNSOP.
There has been a bunch of discussion in this pull-request recently
on improving the interaction between Alt-Svc and HTTPS RRs.
Much of the discussion is here:

Most of the resulting text is now in -06 in Section 8.3:

Given how this is at the borderline of HTTP Alt-Svc and DNS,
we had a discussion in the Interim today that this could use
more visibility from the HTTP WG.

More broadly, while it hasn't changed recently, Section 6.1
(for "alpn" SvcParam handling) takes into account some experience
from clients with challenges with ALPN handling with Alt-Svc
and some of the proposed text in it may want to be included
in an Alt-Svc-bis:

The chairs are discussing whether we may want to have a call on this,
but in the meantime feedback and comments are most welcome.


Received on Thursday, 17 June 2021 23:01:24 UTC