Re: Digests: deprecating parameters?

Il giorno mar 18 ago 2020 alle ore 14:42 Amos Jeffries
<> ha scritto:
> there could be a specification which defines
> a parameter which is relevant to all algorithms but is optional. Eg a
> "q=" or "charset=" parameters.

While this seems to me an overthought respect to RFC3230,
 I cannot exclude this remote possibility.

> I think this would be a good time to refer to the structured headers
> document as a syntax basis
> <>.
> That documents the possible existence of parameters even when they are
> not specifically defined by the header document (eg RFC 3230

Can be a solution, but how can we express this field-value with
structured headers?

Digest: sha-256=ababbababab;q=1,  sha-512=bfbfbfbfbf

Thanks to everybody,

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 15:01:49 UTC