Re: Internet Draft: HTTP += SASL

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for reading/commenting.

> 1. RFC2616 is dead, refer to RFC 723X specs instead

*Oops* -- will fix that.

> 2. I would really like to see protocol examples in the spec that
> better explains the flows. I couldn't understand it without reading
> the blog post -
> that features such examples.

Fair enough, will do that.

> 3. The mandatory 403 when not authenticated seems unorthodox. Regular
> HTTP auth returns 401 (or 407 for proxy) when not authenticated.

Indeed.  I was confused by the required inclusion of a challenge, but
didn't know the client recognised a repeat.  Will fix.

> 4. Section 3 wrongly states that Basic and Digest auth uses usernames
> in URIs. They didn't and don't. They speak of user names but they
> don't (have to) come from the URI.

Agreed, what I said is indeed browser behaviour.

Good criticism, thanks!  I will fix this in the next one up.


Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 10:15:59 UTC