Re: Redirection to Other IP Addresses

On Thu, 1 Aug 2019, Jack Firth wrote:

> Yes you could make a status code, but I don't follow why you need a new
> status code instead of reusing a generic 300 response with body explaining
> they need to follow Alt-Svc. A special status code requires clients to
> implement new behavior, and if they're doing that already can't they just
> implement Alt-Svc support instead?

No, because Bin wants to (as I understand it) force the next request that uses 
that origin to *forcibly* use the new alternative IP address. I'm pretty sure 
most alt-svc implementations will not do that but will rather reuse existing 
connections (since the spec allows that and it is much faster) and then switch 
to the alternative only once a connection to that has been setup...



Received on Thursday, 1 August 2019 07:57:29 UTC