Re: Migrating some high-entropy HTTP headers to Client Hints.

Heya, happy new year,

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 10:14 AM Mike West <> wrote:
> Since this group is currently responsible for both `User-Agent` and `Accept-Language`, I'd appreciate y'all's advice on how you'd like me to proceed.

I don't really care strongly, but "reference from Fetch" seems too
weak as there's a fair number of details that matter here that are
still lingering for Client Hints. E.g., can they be set by developers,
can they be observed by service workers, and how do they interact with
CORS and the same-origin policy? Then for User-Agent and
Accept-Language it would be nice if the primitives upon which those
are built are defined in a central place so they can be reused by
other consumers of that information. For this defining something in
IETF-space is less than ideal as RFCs lend themselves much less to the
inevitable refactoring you want to be doing. It's probably okay and
you could maybe leave it up to some kind of integration standard to
define "system language", "system architecture", ... (Which would be
Fetch for browsers and browser-like user agents.)

Hope that helps,


Received on Monday, 7 January 2019 13:16:54 UTC